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Slovak Vocabulary - Animals

Hi Slovak learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will cover the basic vocabulary related to animals in Slovak. Learning animal names in any language is essential, especially for travelers who love wildlife. So, whether you're an animal lover or just trying to improve your Slovak vocabulary, this lesson is for you.🐾

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Shapes, Animal, Shopping & Food.

Domestic Animals[edit | edit source]

  • Pets
Slovak Pronunciation
Pes pehss
Mačka mahts-ka
Papagáj pah-pah-gaay
Korytnačka kor-ee-tnaach-ka
Morča morr-chaa
Králik kraa-leek
  • Farm Animals
Slovak Pronunciation
Koza koh-zah
Ovca oh-vtsa
Krava kra-vah
Prasa prra-sa
Kura koo-rah
Hus hoos
  • Wild Animals
Slovak Pronunciation
Lev lehv
Slon slohn
Žirafa zhi-rah-fah
Tigre tee-grreh
Opica oh-pee-tsah
Jeleň yeh-lehn
  • Dialogue
  • Person 1: Vidíš tamtoho psa? (Do you see that dog?)
  • Person 2: Áno, je veľmi roztomilý. (Yes, he's very cute.)
  • Person 1: Pozri, tá koza sa snaží skočiť cez plot. 😄(Look, that goat is trying to jump over the fence. 😄)
  • Person 2: Nezabudni našepkať mačke, nech ide von (Don't forget to let the cat out.)
  • Person 1: Prečo si tam položil senu? (Why did you put hay there?)
  • Person 2: Pre kravu. (For the cow.)

Animals in Nature[edit | edit source]

  • Predators
Slovak Pronunciation
Medveď meh-dvehj
Vlk vuh-lk
Rys rees
Rebierko reh-bee-ehr-koh
Líška leesh-kah
Jastrab yahs-trahb
  • Birds
Slovak Pronunciation
Sokol soh-kohl
Vták vtaak
Husľovica hoos-lyo-veet-sa
Holub hoh-loob
Sojka soh-ee-kah
Sova soh-vah
  • Insects
Slovak Pronunciation
Motýľ moht-ee-uhl
Včela vcheh-lah
Mravce mrrav-tseh
Slimák sleem-ahk
Bodliak boh-dlyahk
Srdiečko sr-dyehch-koh
  • Dialogue
  • Person 1: Vidíš toho medveďa? (Do you see that bear?)
  • Person 2: Áno, včera som našiel v lese stopu. (Yes, yesterday I found a paw print in the forest.)
  • Person 1: Kuká, zlepušila sa slimákovi ulita. (Look, the snail's shell has grown.)
  • Person 2: Pozor, tá včela má nebezpečný bodák. (Watch out, that bee has a dangerous sting.)
  • Person 1: Ty vieš rozoznať sojku od holuba? (Can you tell the difference between a jay and a pigeon?)
  • Person 2: Áno, mám na to celkom dobré oko. (Yes, I have a pretty good eye for that.)

Endangered Animals[edit | edit source]

Although we love to admire and learn about animals worldwide, many species face threats to their survival due to habitat destruction, climate change, and poaching. Slovensko is home to several endangered species in its forests and mountains, such as the following:

Slovak Pronunciation
Vlk dravý vuh-lk draa-vee
Rys ostrovid rees oh-stroh-veet
Raroh lesný rrah-rohh les-nee
Veľký vták vell-kee vtahk
Sovica prepelčia soh-veet-sa preh-pelt-syah
Žabár mokriš zhaa-baahr mohk-reesh

It's essential to raise awareness of these issues and take action to protect the wildlife around us. Let's appreciate and respect nature! 🌍🐻🌿

To improve your Slovak vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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Maintenance script and Vincent

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