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SerbianGrammar0 to A1 CourseVerbs: Infinitives

Infinitives in Serbian[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

In Serbian, the infinitive form of the verb is used to indicate the action of the verb without specifying the subject of the sentence. The infinitive form is also used after some prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs.

Formation of the Infinitive[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The infinitive in Serbian is formed by taking the root of the verb and adding the suffix "-ti". For example:

Serbian Pronunciation North Azerbaijani
govoriti /ɡɔ̌vɔriti/ говорити
pisati /pǐsati/ писати
raditi /rǎditi/ радити
živeti /ʒǐvɛːti/ живети

Usage of the Infinitive[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The infinitive in Serbian can be used in the following ways:

  • As the subject of the sentence:

Example: Pisati je moj hobi. (Writing is my hobby.)

  • As the object of the sentence:

Example: Volim čitati knjige. (I love reading books.)

  • After prepositions:

Example: Idem da vidim prijatelja. (I'm going to see a friend.)

  • After conjunctions:

Example: Želim da idem na more, ali nemam novca. (I want to go to the sea, but I don't have the money.)

  • After certain verbs:

Example: Moram da učim za ispit. (I have to study for the exam.)

Negation of the Infinitive[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

To form the negative infinitive in Serbian, you simply add "ne" before the infinitive form of the verb. For example:

Serbian Pronunciation North Azerbaijani
govoriti /ɡɔ̌vɔriti/ не говорити
pisati /pǐsati/ не писати
raditi /rǎditi/ не радити
živeti /ʒǐvɛːti/ не живети

Example: Ne želim da idem u školu. (I don't want to go to school.)

Conclusion[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

In conclusion, the infinitive is an important concept in the Serbian language. It is used to indicate the action of the verb without specifying the subject of the sentence, and it is also used after prepositions, conjunctions, and certain verbs. By understanding the formation and usage of the infinitive, you will be able to improve your Serbian language skills and communicate more effectively with native speakers.

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