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RomanianGrammar0 to A1 Course → Introduction to Romanian Grammar → Verbs and Conjugation

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Romanian verbs and conjugation! In this lesson, we will explore the various conjugation patterns of verbs in the present tense. Verbs are an essential part of any language, and mastering their conjugation is crucial for effective communication. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of Romanian verb conjugation in the present tense and be able to use verbs confidently in your conversations.

The Importance of Verbs and Conjugation[edit | edit source]

Verbs are the action words in a sentence, expressing actions, states, or occurrences. They provide the essential information about what is happening or being done. In Romanian, verbs change their form to indicate the subject, tense, mood, and aspect. Conjugating verbs correctly is essential for conveying accurate information and ensuring that your message is clear.

Understanding verb conjugation allows you to express yourself accurately and fluently in Romanian. It enables you to communicate your thoughts, desires, and experiences effectively. Whether you want to talk about your daily routine, express your emotions, or discuss future plans, having a strong grasp of verb conjugation is essential.

Conjugation Patterns[edit | edit source]

In Romanian, verbs are classified into four conjugation patterns based on the ending of their infinitive form. Each pattern has its own set of rules for conjugation in the present tense. Let's take a closer look at each pattern and explore some examples.

First Conjugation (-a Verbs)[edit | edit source]

Verbs that belong to the first conjugation end in -a in their infinitive form. To conjugate these verbs in the present tense, you remove the -a ending and add the appropriate suffixes based on the subject. Let's see some examples:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a cânta ah KUHN-tuh to sing
a dansa ah DAHN-sah to dance
a învăța ah uhn-VEHT-sah to learn
a călători ah kuh-luh-TOH-ree to travel

Second Conjugation (-ea Verbs)[edit | edit source]

Verbs that belong to the second conjugation end in -ea in their infinitive form. To conjugate these verbs in the present tense, you remove the -ea ending and add the appropriate suffixes based on the subject. Let's see some examples:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a bea ah BEH-ah to drink
a merge ah MEHR-jeh to go
a ști ah shtee to know
a vrea ah vreh-ah to want

Third Conjugation (-e Verbs)[edit | edit source]

Verbs that belong to the third conjugation end in -e in their infinitive form. To conjugate these verbs in the present tense, you remove the -e ending and add the appropriate suffixes based on the subject. Let's see some examples:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a face ah FAH-che to do
a spune ah SPOO-neh to say
a cere ah CHEH-reh to ask
a pleca ah PLEH-kah to leave

Fourth Conjugation (-i Verbs)[edit | edit source]

Verbs that belong to the fourth conjugation end in -i in their infinitive form. To conjugate these verbs in the present tense, you remove the -i ending and add the appropriate suffixes based on the subject. Let's see some examples:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a trăi ah TRUH-ee to live
a veni ah VEH-nee to come
a ști ah shtee to know
a scrie ah SKREE-eh to write

Irregular Verbs[edit | edit source]

While most Romanian verbs follow the four conjugation patterns mentioned above, there are some irregular verbs that do not adhere to these patterns. These irregular verbs have unique conjugation forms that need to be memorized. Let's explore some common irregular verbs and their conjugation in the present tense:

A fi (to be)[edit | edit source]

The verb "a fi" is irregular and does not follow any of the four conjugation patterns. Here is its conjugation in the present tense:

Romanian Pronunciation English
eu sunt yoo soont I am
tu ești too yesh-tee you are (singular informal)
el/ea este ehl/eh-ah YEH-steh he/she is
noi suntem noy SOON-tehm we are
voi sunteți voy SOON-tehts you are (plural/formal)
ei/ele sunt ey/eh-leh soont they are

A avea (to have)[edit | edit source]

The verb "a avea" is another irregular verb. Here is its conjugation in the present tense:

Romanian Pronunciation English
eu am yoo ahm I have
tu ai too ah-ee you have (singular informal)
el/ea are ehl/eh-ah AH-reh he/she has
noi avem noy AH-vehm we have
voi aveți voy ah-VEHTS you have (plural/formal)
ei/ele au ey/eh-leh ow they have

A putea (can)[edit | edit source]

The verb "a putea" is irregular and means "can" in English. Here is its conjugation in the present tense:

Romanian Pronunciation English
eu pot yoo pote I can
tu poți too POHTS you can (singular informal)
el/ea poate ehl/eh-ah POH-teh he/she can
noi putem noy POO-tehm we can
voi puteți voy poo-TEHTS you can (plural/formal)
ei/ele pot ey/eh-leh pote they can

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Complete the following exercises to reinforce your understanding of Romanian verb conjugation in the present tense.

Exercise 1: Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense: 1. a cânta (to sing) 2. a bea (to drink) 3. a face (to do) 4. a trăi (to live) 5. a fi (to be)

Solution: 1. eu cânt, tu cânți, el/ea cântă, noi cântăm, voi cântați, ei/ele cântă 2. eu beau, tu bei, el/ea bea, noi bem, voi beți, ei/ele beau 3. eu fac, tu faci, el/ea face, noi facem, voi faceți, ei/ele fac 4. eu trăiesc, tu trăiești, el/ea trăiește, noi trăim, voi trăiți, ei/ele trăiesc 5. eu sunt, tu ești, el/ea este, noi suntem, voi sunteți, ei/ele sunt

Exercise 2: Translate the following sentences into Romanian: 1. I want to learn Romanian. 2. She dances beautifully. 3. We drink coffee every morning. 4. Do you know the way? 5. They leave for vacation tomorrow.

Solution: 1. Vreau să învăț românește. 2. Ea dansează frumos. 3. Noi bem cafea în fiecare dimineață. 4. Știi drumul? 5. Pleacă în vacanță mâine.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on Romanian verb conjugation in the present tense. Verbs are the backbone of any language, and by mastering their conjugation, you are one step closer to becoming fluent in Romanian. Keep practicing, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. The more you use verbs in your conversations, the more natural your Romanian will become. Good luck on your language learning journey!

Table of Contents - Romanian Course - 0 to A1[edit | edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Pronouns and Verbs

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Adverbs

Family and Friends

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Food and Drinks

Questions and Negations

Locations and Directions

Plurals and Articles

Hobbies and Activities

Romanian Culture and Traditions

Imperatives and Requests

Travel and Transportation

Romanian Geography and History

Videos[edit | edit source]

Classification of Romanian Verbs | Learn Romanian Grammar ...[edit | edit source]

ROMANIAN: VERBS CONJUGATION - YouTube[edit | edit source]

TOP 10 ENGLISH VERBS IN ROMANIAN - YouTube[edit | edit source]

The verbs TO BE / TO HAVE (a fi / a avea) | Romanian Grammar ...[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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