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Romanian Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Romanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about the future tense in Romanian. We will also explore some interesting cultural information and fun facts about Romania. Let's get started!

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The future tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future. In Romanian, the future tense is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb.

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Basic Adjectives & Dative Case in Romanian.

Formation of the Future Tense[edit | edit source]

The future tense in Romanian is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb. To form the future tense, you should take the infinitive of the verb and add the following endings:

Person Infinitive + Suffix
Eu (I) Voi cânta (I will sing)
Tu (You) Vei cânta (You will sing)
El/ Ea (He/ She) Va cânta (He/ She will sing)
Noi (We) Vom cânta (We will sing)
Voi (You all) Veți cânta (You all will sing)
Ei/ Ele (They) Vor cânta (They will sing)

Examples[edit | edit source]

Let’s take the verb a cânta (to sing) as an example:

Romanian Pronunciation English
Voi cânta "voi kɨn'ta" I will sing
Veți cânta "vet͡s kɨn'ta" You all will sing
Vor cânta "vor kɨn'ta" They will sing

Irregular Forms[edit | edit source]

There are some verbs with irregular forms in the future tense. For instance:

  • A avea (to have):
Person Irregular form
Eu (I) Voi avea (I will have)
Tu (You) Veți avea (You will have)
El/ Ea (He/ She) Va avea (He/ She will have)
Noi (We) Vom avea (We will have)
Voi (You all) Veți avea (You all will have)
Ei/ Ele (They) Vor avea (They will have)
  • A fi (to be):
Person Irregular form
Eu (I) Voi fi (I will be)
Tu (You) Veți fi (You will be)
El/ Ea (He/ She) Va fi (He/ She will be)
Noi (We) Vom fi (We will be)
Voi (You all) Veți fi (You all will be)
Ei/ Ele (They) Vor fi (They will be)

Usage[edit | edit source]

The future tense in Romanian is used to express:

  • Actions that will happen in the future;
  • Predictions and assumptions about the future;
  • Making promises or arrangements;
  • Expressing probability, possibility, or certainty about an event in the future.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Eu voi vizita Maramureșul săptămâna viitoare. (I will visit Maramureș next week.)
  • Veți găsi tot ce aveți nevoie la piața obor! (You will find everything you need at the Obor market!)
  • Va ploua mâine seară. (It will rain tomorrow night.)
  • Vom merge la mare în vară. (We will go to the seaside in the summer.)
  • Veți cânta la concertul din acest weekend. (You all will sing at the concert this weekend.)
  • Vor ajunge la timp la aeroport. (They will arrive at the airport on time.)

Interesting Facts about Romania[edit | edit source]

Romania is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. Here are some interesting facts:

  • Romania is home to one of the largest and most beautiful palaces in the world: the Palace of the Parliament. It is also the heaviest building in the world.
  • The Romanian flag has three colors: blue, yellow, and red. They represent Liberty, Justice, and Fraternity.
  • Romania is the birthplace of the famous figure of speech "In vino veritas" (In wine is truth).
  • The longest underground glacier in the world is located in Romania, in the Scarisoara glacier.
  • Romania is the only country in the world with a Latin-based language (with some influences from Slavic and Turkish languages).

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Person 1: Ce vei face mâine? (What will you do tomorrow?) Person 2: Voi merge la bibliotecă. (I will go to the library.) Person 1: Ce veți face vara aceasta? (What will you all do this summer?) Person 2: Vom merge într-un tur al țării. (We will go on a tour of the country.)

Sources[edit | edit source]

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