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Main Greetings in Norwegian

In this language lesson, we will focus on learning some common phrases in Norwegian and English.

Norwegians are generally reserved and polite, so it's important to greet them properly, whether it be with a casual "hallo" or a more formal "god dag". When asking "how are you?", it's customary to wait for a genuine response, as Norwegians are known for being honest and direct. It's also worth noting that in Norway, punctuality is highly valued, so it's important to arrive on time to meetings and appointments. By the end of this lesson, you will have a basic understanding of Norwegian greetings and farewells, as well as some cultural insights that will help you navigate social situations in Norway.

So let's get started!

With the completion of this lesson, you might enjoy investigating these connected themes: Animal, Family, Numbers and counting & Sports.

Main Greetings in Norwegian[edit | edit source]

Norwegian English Additional Notes
Hallo Hello Like "hello" but more slang
Hei Hi
Halla Hi Like "hi" but more slang
Hvordan har du det ? How are you?
Hvordan går det ? How is it going?
Hva skjer'a ? What's up? (slang)
Velkommen Welcome
Hyggelig å treffe deg, dere Nice to meet you (sing), you (plur)
Hyggelig å møte deg, dere Nice to meet you (sing), you (pl)
God morgen Good morning
God dag Good day
God ettermiddag Good afternoon
God kveld Good evening
God natt Good night
Ha det Bye
Ha det bra Goodbye
Vi ses (senere/ i morgen...) See you (later/ tomorrow...)
Vi snakkes (senere/ i morgen...) Talk to you later/ tomorrow...
Vi skrives (senere/ i morgen...) Write to you later/ tomorrow...
Farvel Farewell Like "goodbye" it's used when you say goodbye and you know that you'll never ever see the person you say to again
Adjø Goodbye

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Here is an example dialogue using some of the phrases above:

  • A: Hallo, hvordan har du det?
  • B: Hei, jeg har det bra. Hvordan går det med deg?
  • A: Det går bra, takk. Hva skjer'a?
  • B: Ikke så mye, bare jobber og slapper av. Hvordan har dagen din vært?
  • A: God dag, takk. Jeg hadde en hektisk dag på jobben, men nå er jeg ferdig for dagen. Hyggelig å treffe deg!
  • B: Hyggelig å møte deg også! God kveld og ha det bra!
  • A: Vi ses snart!
  • B: Absolutt, vi snakkes!

Videos[edit | edit source]

Norwegian Language: Basic Hello & Goodbye[edit | edit source]

Simple Norwegian #2 - Greetings, Introductions & Goodbyes[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


Vincent, Maintenance script and S0l-sikke

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