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Moroccan Arabic Vocabulary - How to say "Good Bye"?

Hi Moroccan Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to say "Good Bye" in Moroccan Arabic. We will also learn some other useful phrases and expressions related to saying goodbye.

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Shopping for Clothes & Transportation Expressions.

Words[edit | edit source]

Moroccan Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
مع السلامة ma3a as-salama Goodbye
إلى اللقاء ila al-liqa' See you
إلى اللقاء في المساء ila al-liqa' fi al-masa' See you in the evening
إلى اللقاء في الصباح ila al-liqa' fi as-sabah See you in the morning
إلى اللقاء في الظهر ila al-liqa' fi azh-zuhr See you at noon
إلى اللقاء في الليل ila al-liqa' fi al-layl See you at night
شكرا لك shukran lak Thank you
أهلا وسهلا ahlan wa sahlan Welcome

Example Sentences[edit | edit source]

Moroccan Arabic English Translation
مع السلامة، أخوي Goodbye, brother
إلى اللقاء في الصباح See you in the morning
شكرا لك، أختي Thank you, sister
أهلا وسهلا في المنزل Welcome home

Quiz[edit | edit source]

Test your knowledge of Moroccan Arabic goodbyes with the following quiz:

1. How do you say "Goodbye" in Moroccan Arabic? A. مع السلامة B. شكرا لك C. أهلا وسهلا

2. How do you say "See you in the evening" in Moroccan Arabic? A. مع السلامة B. إلى اللقاء في المساء C. شكرا لك

3. How do you say "Thank you" in Moroccan Arabic? A. إلى اللقاء في المساء B. شكرا لك C. أهلا وسهلا

Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3. B

To improve your Moroccan Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

That's it for this lesson! We hope you enjoyed learning how to say "Good Bye" in Moroccan Arabic. Now you can confidently say goodbye to your friends and family in Moroccan Arabic.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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