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Moroccan Arabic Vocabulary - Health

Hi Moroccan Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some useful words and phrases related to health. It's important to know some basic expressions so that you can communicate effectively during a medical emergency or when seeing a doctor. Don't forget to practice your pronunciation and use the Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Medical Exam[edit | edit source]

When you go to see a doctor, the receptionist will ask you the following questions:

  • Receptionist: معاك بطاقة عائلية؟ (maak btaqa 3ayliya?) (Do you have your family card?)
  • You: لا، ما عنديش. (la, ma 3ndish) (No, I don't have it.)
  • Receptionist: شنو اسمك؟ (chno esmek?) (What's your name?)
  • You: اسمي ... (ismi ...) (My name is...)
  • Receptionist: شحال عندك عمر؟ (sh7al 3ndek 3omr?) (How old are you?)
  • You: عندي ... سنة. (3ndi ... sana.) (I'm ... years old.)

After the receptionist has checked your family card, she/he will give you a file with your name on it and you will wait in the waiting room until you are called.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some common words and phrases related to health and medicine:

Moroccan Arabic Pronunciation English
المرض lmrD disease/illness
الطبيب lTbyb doctor
التمريض ltamryd nursing
المستشفى lmstshfa hospital
الصيدلية lSidlya pharmacy
الجراحة ljrah surgery
التحليل lt7alyl analysis/examination
الألم l3lm pain
الحمى l7ma fever
السعال ls3al cough
الانفلونزا linflwnza flu
الكورونا lcorona coronavirus
السكري lskri diabetes
الضغط ldghT blood pressure
تأشيرة taSira prescription
عيادة 3iyada clinic
الإسعاف les3af ambulance

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Here is an example dialogue between a patient and a doctor:

  • Doctor: صباح الخير، شحال كتحسي؟ (Sbah lkhayr, sh7al kat7ssi?) (Good morning, how do you feel?)
  • Patient: صباح الخير، كنحس بالم براسي وعيني. (Sbah lkhayr, kn7ss balm bra7si w 3ayni.) (Good morning, I have a headache and pain in my eyes.)
  • Doctor: من شحال الوقت كنتحركي؟ (mn sh7al lwqt knt7rki?) (How long have you been feeling that way?)
  • Patient: كنتحرك كثير هاد الأيام باش نقوي العضلات ديالي. (Knt7rak kthir had l3yyam bash n9wi l3Dlat dyali.) (I've been exercising a lot lately to strengthen my muscles.)
  • Doctor: لمدة كندير تقريبا الألم هادشي؟ (lmdda kndir ta9riban l3lm hadshi?) (For how long have you been experiencing this pain?)
  • Patient: تقريبا ثلاثة أيام. (Ta9riban tlata ayyam.) (For three days.)
  • Doctor: يبغي ليك تأخذ هاد التأشيرة باش تشري الدوا اللي غادي يخفف عليك. (Ybghi lik taKhod had taSira bash tshr lddwa li Gadi ykhaffef 3lik.) (You need to take this prescription to buy the medicine that will relieve your pain.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we learned some essential vocabulary and useful phrases related to health and medicine. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to ask in the comments section below. Remember to check out the Vocabulary section to expand your Moroccan Arabic lexicon. Stay healthy! 😷❤️

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Having concluded this lesson, consider checking out these related pages: Offering Help Asking for Favors & Count from 1 to 10.

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