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Meaning of the word "Periplus"

The word periplus comes from Ancient Greek preposition "περί" and the Ancient Greek verb "πλέω :  sail". Periplous, contracted from periploos, literally "a sailing round," from peri (prep.) "around, about, beyond" (from PIE root *per- (1) "forward") + ploos "a sailing, voyage, navigation," from plein "to navigate" (from PIE root *pleu- "to flow"). 

A periplus (/ˈpɛrɪplʌs/), or periplous, is a manuscript document that lists the ports and coastal landmarks, in order and with approximate intervening distances, that the captain of a vessel could expect to find along a shore. However, the Greek navigators added various notes, which, if they were professional geographers, as many were, became part of their own additions to Greek geography.

The form of the periplus is at least as old as the earliest Greek historian, the Ionian Hecataeus of Miletus. The works of Herodotus and Thucydides contain passages that appear to have been based on peripli. The Periplus of the Greek Scylax of Caryanda, in Caria, The Massaliote Periplus, a description of trade routes along the coasts of Atlantic Europe, by anonymous Greek navigators of Massalia ( Marseille, France), possibly dates to the sixth century BCE, also preserved in Avienius, Pytheas of Massilia, (fourth century BCE).

Υou are viewing the etymology of periplus with the meaning: (Noun) A circumnavigation; a sea voyage around a coastline.. A record of such a voyage.A circumnavigation; a sea voyage around a coastline.. A record of such a voyage and surely not a continental or brief trip!

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  • Ευγενική χορηγία που στοχεύει να βοηθήσει μαθητές ή μη, απανταχού της Γης, που επιδίδονται στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας!
  • Contribution bénévole visant à aider les personnes, partout dans le monde, qui sont engagées dans l'apprentissage de la langue grecque !
  • Voluntary contribution aimed at helping people, all over the world, who are committed to learning the Greek language! 

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