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Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary - Health

Hi Mandarin Chinese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about Health-related vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese. As Mandarin Chinese language teacher with 20 years of experience, I will share with you some cultural information and interesting facts along with analogies to illustrate complex concepts. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to communicate in Mandarin Chinese on health issues with ease. Ps. Don't forget to check out Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Common Health-related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's take a look at some common health-related vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese:

Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation English
健康 jiàn kāng jee-an kahng health
医生 yī shēng ee shung doctor
病人 bìng rén bing ren patient
药 yào yow medicine

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

When you're feeling unwell, you need to describe your symptoms to the doctor. Here are a few symptoms:

Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation English
疼 téng tuhng pain
头疼 tóu téng toe tuhng headache
发烧 fā shāo fah shaow fever
咳嗽 ké sou kuh soh cough
嗓子疼 sǎng zi téng sahng dz tuhng sore throat


  • Person 1: 我头疼。(Wǒ tóu téng.) (I have a headache.)
  • Person 2: 你需要去看医生。(Nǐ xū yào qù kàn yī shēng.) (You need to go see a doctor.)

Medical Conditions[edit | edit source]

If you're at the doctor's office, you'll need to describe your medical conditions. Here are some of the most common conditions and diseases:

Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation English
心脏病 xīn zàng bìng sshin dzahng bing heart disease
糖尿病 táng niào bìng tahng nyaow bing diabetes
癌症 ái zhèng eye jung cancer
高血压 gāo xuè yā gow shweh yah high blood pressure


  • Person 1: 我有糖尿病。(Wǒ yǒu táng niào bìng.) (I have diabetes.)
  • Person 2: 你需要按时吃药。(Nǐ xū yào àn shí chī yào.) (You need to take medicine on time.)

Prevention[edit | edit source]

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some ways to prevent illness:

Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation English
锻炼 duàn liàn dwen lyen exercise
健康饮食 jiàn kāng yǐn shí jee-an kahng een shir healthy diet
避免 Bì miǎn bee myeen avoid
保持清洁 bǎo chí qīng jié baow chur cheeng jyeh maintain hygiene


  • Person 1: 我最近没去健身房。(Wǒ zuì jìn méi qù jiàn shēn fáng.) (I haven't been to the gym lately.)
  • Person 2: 你需要锻炼身体。(Nǐ xū yào duàn liàn shēn tǐ.) (You need to exercise your body.)

Traditional Chinese Medicine[edit | edit source]

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and is still widely used in China today. Here are some terms related to traditional Chinese medicine:

Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation English
针灸 zhēn jiǔ jen jo acupuncture
中药 zhōng yào joong yow Chinese herbal medicine
推拿 tuī ná tweh na massage

Fun Fact: In traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue is a valuable diagnostic tool. The color, coating, shape, and moisture of the tongue can indicate the state of a person's internal organs.


  • Person 1: 你相信中医吗?(Nǐ xiāng xìn zhōng yī ma?) (Do you believe in traditional Chinese medicine?)
  • Person 2: 当然,我经常去做针灸治疗。(Dāng rán, wǒ jīng cháng qù zuò zhēn jiǔ zhì liáo.) (Of course, I often go for acupuncture treatment.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we covered some common health-related vocabulary, including symptoms, medical conditions, prevention, and traditional Chinese medicine. Now you can communicate in Mandarin Chinese about your health issues with ease. To improve your knowledge of Mandarin Chinese vocabulary, you can check out the Polyglot Club website. Don't hesitate to ask questions and find native speakers to practice with. 😎

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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