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把 bă take, hold in Mandarin Chinese

Definition[edit | edit source]

Radical is 手 shŏu “hand”, which here is closely related to the character’s meaning of “take” or “hold.” The radical 手 at the left side of a character is written as 扌 and is referred to colloquially as 提手 tíshŏu “raised hand.” Phonetic is 巴 bā “long for,” which you saw previously in 吧 ba (89) and 爸 bà. Distinguish 把 from 吧 and 爸.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • 把 bă (measure for things with handles such as umbrellas and knives, and for chairs) [M]; take, hold (moves object before verb) [CV]
  • 把书放在桌子上 (把書放在桌子上) bă shū fàngzai zhuōzishang put the book on the table

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Sources[edit | edit source]

Book: Intermediate Written Chinese by Cornelius C. Kubler

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