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Libyan Arabic Vocabulary - Health

Hi Libyan Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the essential words and phrases related to health in Libyan Arabic. Health is vital, and as such, it is essential to know the vocabulary necessary to communicate any health issues effectively. In this lesson, we will cover topics such as body parts, common illnesses, and symptoms, among others.
Don't forget that to improve your Libyan Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions.

Body Parts[edit | edit source]

Learning the names of the different body parts is essential when communicating any symptoms or discomfort.

Libyan Arabic Pronunciation English
المخ Almukh Brain
العين Al'ayn Eye
الأذن Al'udhn Ear
الأنف Alanf Nose
الفم Al-fam Mouth
الأسنان Al'asnān Teeth
اللسان Allisān Tongue
الحنجرة Alhanaǧrah Throat
الجلد Al-gild Skin
الأطراف Al'atraf Limbs
اليد Alyad Hand
القدم Al'qadam Foot
البطن Albaten Stomach
الظهر Alzahr Back

Dialogue: At the Doctor's

  • Person 1: صباح الخير يا دكتور. لدي آلام في الظهر. (Good morning, doctor. I have back pain.)
  • Person 2: صباح النور. اضطرابات العمود الفقري هي مشكلتك؟ (Good morning. Is the problem with your spine?)
  • Person 1: نعم ، لدي آلام حادة في منطقة الظهر. (Yes, I have sharp pains in the back area.)
  • Person 2: سأقوم بتشخيصك وأعطيك بعض الأدوية. (I will diagnose you and prescribe some medication.)

Illnesses and Symptoms[edit | edit source]

It is important to be able to describe any symptoms you are experiencing when talking to a doctor, pharmacist, or another healthcare professional.

Libyan Arabic Pronunciation English
الإسهال Al'islah Diarrhea
الإمساك Al'imsak Constipation
الصداع As-suda' Headache
الأرق Al'arq Insomnia
سعال Sa'āl Cough
حمى Ḥamā Fever
تعب Ta'b Fatigue
ألم Alm Pain
غثيان Ghuthyan Nausea
تقيؤ Taqyi'ů Vomiting

Dialogue: At the Pharmacy

  • Person 1: مرحبا. أريد شراء دواء لسعالي. (Hello. I want to buy medicine for my cough.)
  • Person 2: مرحبًا، هل لديك تحسس لبخاخ السعال؟ (Hello, do you have an allergy to cough spray?)
  • Person 1: لا ، ليس لدي. (No, I don't.)
  • Person 2: جرعة من هذا النوع من البخاخ. استخدم ثلاث مرات في اليوم. (A dose of this type of spray. Use three times daily.)

Medical Personnel[edit | edit source]

Knowing the appropriate vocabulary for medical professionals can also be helpful when seeking medical attention.

Libyan Arabic Pronunciation English
الطبيب Attbbib Doctor
الممرض Almumarrid Nurse
الصيدلي Assaydaly Pharmacist
الجراح Aljarrāh Surgeon
الأخصائي Al'akhassā'i Specialist

Dialogue: At the Hospital

  • Person 1: انا بحاجة لمساعدة طبية. (I need medical help.)
  • Person 2: يرجى الانتظار لحظة. سوف نستدعي الطبيب. (Please wait for a moment. We will call the doctor.)
  • Person 1: شكرا جزيلا. (Thank you very much.)
  • Person 2: لا تقلق, شخص ما سيأتي لمساعدتك قريبا. (Don't worry, someone will come to help you soon.)

Traditional Medicine[edit | edit source]

Traditional medicine is an essential part of the health care system in Libya that has been passed down for generations. It involves the use of natural remedies like herbs, plants, or organic substances in healing. Knowing the vocabulary associated with traditional medicine can be handy when using, buying or discussing it.

Libyan Arabic Pronunciation English
الإجاص Al'ijāş Eucalyptus
القرنفل Alqurnufal Clove
الزعفران Alza'frān Saffron
الشمر Alshimar Fennel
الكركم Al-karkum Turmeric
الصوت As-swat Thyme
النعناع Annana' Mint
الزنجبيل Alzanjabīl Ginger
الكمون Alkamūn Cumin
الكزبرة Al-'kadhibrat Coriander

Dialogue: Traditional Medicine

  • Person 1: أريد بعض النصائح حول طرق العلاج الطبيعية. (I want some advice on natural remedies.)
  • Person 2: يوجد العديد من الأساليب الطبيعية الفعالة. مثل شرب الشاي بالنعناع لتهدئة الأعصاب. (There are many effective natural methods, like drinking mint tea to soothe the nerves.)
  • Person 1: ما هو النصيحة الطبية للاسترخاء الطبيعي؟ (What is the medical advice for natural relaxation?)
  • Person 2: تناول الشاي باللافندر يساعد على الاسترخاء. (Drinking lavender tea helps with relaxation.)

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