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Libyan Arabic Vocabulary - Food

In today's lesson, we will learn some Libyan Arabic words related to food. We will also learn some phrases using these words. Please feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Say Hello and Greetings in Libyan Arabic, Feelings and Emotions, Geography & Colors.

Main Words[edit | edit source]

Libyan Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
طعام ṭaʿām food
بطاطا baṭaṭā potatoes
خبز ḫubz bread
حساء ḥassāʾ soup
كعكة kaʿkā cake
عصير ʿaṣīr juice
شوكولاتة šwakulātā chocolate
حلوى ḥalwā sweets
حمص ḥimṣ hummus
بيتزا bītza pizza
سندويش sandawīš sandwich
جبنة jabanā cheese
فطيرة fuṭīra omelette
حليب ḥalīb milk

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