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Numbers in Latin
Numbers in Latin

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨NUMBERS¨ in Latin

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Months Days Planets & Introducing Yourself.

Numbers in Latin[edit | edit source]





one unus / una oo nous / ou nah um / uma
two duo / duæ dou oh / dou eh dois / duas
three tres trehs três
four quattuor kou ah tou ohr quatro
five quinque kou ihn kou eh cinco
six sex sehks seis
seven septem sehp tehm sete
eight octo ohk toh oito
nine novem noh vehm nove
ten decem deh chehm dez
eleven undecim oon deh chihm onze
twelve duodecim dou oh deh chihm doze
thirteen tredecim treh deh chihm treze
fourteen quattuordecim kou ah tou ohr deh chihm quatorze
fifteen quindecim kou ihn deh chihm quinze
sixteen sedecim seh deh chihm dezesseis
seventeen septendecim sehp tehn deh chihm dezessete
eighteen duodeviginti dou oh deh vih jihn tih dezoito
nineteen undeviginti oon deh vih jihn tih dezenove
twenty viginti vih jihn tih vinte
twenty one viginti unus vih jihn tih oo nous vinte e um
twenty two viginti duo vih jihn tih dou oh vinte e dois
twenty three viginti tres vih jihn tih trehs vinte e três
thirty triginta trih jihn tah trinta
forty quadraginta kou ah drah jihn tah quarenta
fifty quinquaginta kou ihn kou ah jihn tah cinqüenta
sixty sexaginta sehk sah jihn tah sessenta
seventy septuaginta sehp tou ah jihn tah setenta
eighty octoginta ohk toh jihn tah oitenta
ninety nonaginta noh nah jihn tah noventa
one hundred centum chehn toom cem
one hundred

and one

centum et


chehn toom eht

oo nous


e um

two hundred ducenti dou chehn tih duzentos
three hundred trecenti treh chehn tih trezentos
four hundred quadrigenti kou ah drih jehn tih quatrocentos
five hundred quingenti kou ihn jehn tih quinhentos
six hundred sescenti seh shehn tih seiscentos
seven hundred septingenti sehp tihn jehn tih setecentos
eight hundred octingenti ohk tihn jehn tih oitocentos
nine hundred nongenti nohn jehn tih novecentos
one thousand mille mihl leh mil
two thousand duo milia dou oh mih lyah dois mil

Videos[edit | edit source]

Latin Vocabulary Builder #1 - Animals & Numbers - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Numbers in Latin - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Latin Number Roots - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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