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Kirghiz Vocabulary - Days of the Week

Hi Kirghiz learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the days of the week in Kirghiz. You will also discover interesting facts and cultural information about the days of the week in Kirghiz language and culture. Before we start, it is important to note that Kirghiz language does not use capital letters. Also, the pronunciation of Kirghiz words might be challenging for beginners, so don't hesitate to use the audio resources provided. Remember, practice makes perfect! 😎

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages:Numbers, Weather Conditions, Months of the Year & Fruits.

Days of the week in Kirghiz[edit | edit source]

The days of the week in Kirghiz are named after celestial bodies, as in many other Turkic languages. Here are the days of the week in Kirghiz:

Kirghiz Pronunciation English
Дүйшөмбү dʊjʃømbʊ Monday
Шейшемби ʃejʃembɪ Tuesday
Шаршемби ʃarʃembɪ Wednesday
Бейшемби bejʃembɪ Thursday
Жүмө ʒʏmø Friday
Ишемби ɪʃembɪ Saturday
Жекшемби ʒekʃembɪ Sunday

Fun fact: "Dүйшөмбү" comes from Persian "Dooshanbeh", meaning "second day of the week", and continued to be used in many Turkic languages. "Жүмө" comes from Arabic "jumu'ah", the holy day of the week in Islamic culture, and is still used in many Muslim countries for the name of Friday.

Dialogues[edit | edit source]

Let's see some dialogues to see the days of the week in context:

Dialogue 1:

  • Person 1: Бүгүн шейшемби (Bügün sheyshembi) (Today is Tuesday)
  • Person 2: Көңүл абдан баштагандай кымбатты? (Köñül abdan baştaganday kymbattı?) (Are you still tired from the beginning of the week?)
  • Person 1: Жок, төмөнүңүз канчалык эмес, эки тапшым келет (Jok, tömönüñüz kanchalyk emes, eki tapşım kelet) (No, I am not too tired, I have two days off)
  • Person 2: Болгон хайырлуулар (Bolgon hayırluuılar) (Have a good weekend)

Dialogue 2:

  • Person 1: Жанга кайтмай калганда түшүм жакшы болуп калыптыр (Janga kaytmay kalğanda tüşüm jaqşy bolup kalıptyr) (I feel good when I wake up early in the morning)
  • Person 2: Шейшембиден бери түшүп жамандаштым (Sheyshembiden bari tüşüp jamandaştım) (I've been waking up early since Tuesday)
  • Person 1: Термостаттын бири тизминдеги бугунду наркы менен сатып алам, суроолор де келген жакта болобуз (Termostatın biri tizmindegi bugundu narkı menen satıp alam, suruolor de kelgen jakta bolobuz) (We need to buy a thermostat with a discount today, we also have some questions)
  • Person 2: Конуну бирге көрөбүз (Konunu birge köröbüz) (Let's discuss it together)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! 🎉 You have learned the days of the week in Kirghiz! Next, you can practice using them in context. Don't forget to check the Kirghiz native speakers section of Polyglot Club and ask them any questions. You can also check more Vocabulary lessons. Keep learning! 👍

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages:Greetings and Introduction- Basic Greetings, Kirghiz Vocabulary → Family Members: Learn and Practice, Count to 10 & Relationship Status.


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