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Kazakh Vocabulary - Education

Hi Kazakh learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn Kazakh vocabulary related to Education. Education is important in every society and country. Knowing how to talk about education in Kazakh will help you communicate better with Kazakhstanis and also enable you to study in Kazakh-speaking regions.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Drinks & Transportation Vocabulary.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Below you will find a list of Kazakh vocabulary related to education. The table is organized into three columns: Kazakh, Pronunciation, and English.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
тәрбие tärbiye education
мектеп mektep school
колледж kolledj college
университет universitet university
институт institut institute
билім bilim knowledge
оқу oqu to study
оқушы oquşı student
мұғалім müğalim teacher
профессор professor professor
дисциплина disciplina subject
сабақ sabaq lesson
жинақ jınaq class
экзамен ekzamen exam
курстық жұмыс kurslık jumıs coursework
ұстаным ustanım homework

Here is an example dialogue (with pronunciation and translation in English) so you can see the words in context:

  • Person 1: Мektep төменгі бағдарламада жоқ. (The school is not in the low-budget program.)
  • Person 2: Айтқандай мектеп? (What kind of school?)
  • Person 1: Гимназия. (High school.)

Pro tip: To improve your Kazakh vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Fun facts about Education in Kazakhstan[edit | edit source]

- The first university in Kazakhstan was opened in 1934 and was called Kazakhstan State University. - Education in Kazakhstan is free and mandatory for citizens between the ages of 6 and 18. - The Kazakh alphabet was changed from Cyrillic to Latin in 2018 as part of a government initiative to modernize the country. This change affected the education system, as many textbooks and materials needed to be updated to reflect the new alphabet.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You now know some basic Kazakh vocabulary related to education! Make sure to practice by using these words in your daily conversations or by enrolling in a Kazakh course. Remember, education is the key to success! 🎓

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Family & Asking for and Giving Directions.

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