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JapaneseGrammarComplete 0 to A1 CourseParticles へ and を

へ and を[edit | edit source]

こんにちは!In this lesson, we will learn about the particles へ and を. These particles are used to indicate direction and object respectively in Japanese sentences. Let's dive in!

へ (e)[edit | edit source]

へ is a particle used to indicate direction. It can be translated to 'to' or 'towards' in English. Let's see some examples:

Japanese Pronunciation Kazakh
学校へ gakkou e мектепке
東京へ toukyou e токиоды
家へ ie e үйге

In the examples above, へ is used to indicate the direction of the action. It is important to note that へ is usually used with action verbs. For instance, "走る (hashiru)" which means "to run" is an action verb. So, "学校へ走ります (gakkou e hashirimasu)" means "I run to school".

を (o)[edit | edit source]

を is a particle used to indicate the object of the sentence. It can be translated to 'to' or 'towards' in English. Let's see some examples:

Japanese Pronunciation Kazakh
果物を kudamono o мейіз
勉強を benkyou o оқу
食べ物を tabemono o тамақ

In the examples above, を is used to indicate the object of the sentence. It is important to note that を is usually used with transitive verbs. For instance, "食べる (taberu)" which means "to eat" is a transitive verb. So, "リンゴを食べます (ringo o tabemasu)" means "I eat an apple".

へ or を?[edit | edit source]

Sometimes it can be confusing whether to use へ or を in a sentence. Here are some tips to help you:

- Use へ when the sentence describes a direction of movement. - Use を when the sentence describes an object of an action.

Let's see some examples:

- 私は公園へ (to the park) 歩いています (walking). [へ is used to describe the direction of movement] - 私はリンゴを (an apple) 食べます (eat). [を is used to describe the object of the action]

I hope this lesson was helpful for you to understand the differences between へ and を. Practice makes perfect!

Practice[edit | edit source]

Let's practice what we've learned! Fill in the blanks with either へ or を:

1. 駅 (train station) ____ 行きます (go). 2. お茶 (tea) ____ 飲みます (drink). 3. 新宿 (Shinjuku) ____ います (be). 4. 学校 (school) ____ 行く (go). 5. ピザ ____ 食べます (eat).

Answers: 1. へ 2. を 3. に 4. へ 5. を

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we learned about the particles へ and を. We saw how they are used to indicate direction and object respectively in Japanese sentences. We also learned some tips to differentiate between them. Keep practicing and you will become a pro!

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