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Indonesian Vocabulary - How to say "Good Bye"?

Hi Indonesian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to say "Good Bye" in Indonesian. We will also learn some other useful phrases related to saying goodbye.

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Job Titles & Body.

Words[edit | edit source]

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
Selamat tinggal se-la-mat tin-ggal Goodbye
Sampai jumpa lagi sam-pai jum-pa la-gi See you again
Sampai bertemu lagi sam-pai ber-te-mu la-gi See you again
Selamat jalan se-la-mat ja-lan Goodbye
Selamat jalan dan sampai jumpa lagi se-la-mat ja-lan dan sam-pai jum-pa la-gi Goodbye and see you again
Selamat tinggal dan sampai bertemu lagi se-la-mat tin-ggal dan sam-pai ber-te-mu la-gi Goodbye and see you again

Example Sentences[edit | edit source]

Indonesian English Translation
Selamat tinggal, teman-teman Goodbye, friends
Sampai jumpa lagi See you again
Selamat jalan dan sampai bertemu lagi Goodbye and see you again
Selamat tinggal dan sampai jumpa lagi Goodbye and see you again

Saying goodbye in Indonesian is quite simple. You can use the phrases above to say goodbye to your friends or family. To improve your Indonesian Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Quiz[edit | edit source]

Test your knowledge of Indonesian goodbye phrases with the quiz below:

Question Answer
How do you say "Goodbye" in Indonesian? Selamat tinggal
How do you say "See you again" in Indonesian? Sampai jumpa lagi
How do you say "Goodbye and see you again" in Indonesian? Selamat tinggal dan sampai jumpa lagi

That's it for this lesson! Now you know how to say "Goodbye" in Indonesian. Remember to practice your Indonesian with native speakers on the Polyglot Club website.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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