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Adjectives in Indonesian
Adjectives in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

Welcome to today's lesson on ¨ADJECTIVES¨ in Indonesian! 📚 As an experienced Indonesian language teacher, I am excited to guide you through the process of understanding and using adjectives in the Indonesian language.

In this lesson, we will cover the basics of Indonesian adjectives and how to use them effectively in your conversations. After mastering this topic, you might also be interested in exploring other related grammar lessons, such as Indonesian Grammar - Comparatives and Superlatives, Indonesian Grammar - Comparative and Superlative - Comparative, and How to Use Have in Indonesian.

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions to enhance your learning experience! Good learning! 😊

Adjectives in Indonesian[edit | edit source]

The way to say your feeling about something is easy when we use adjective.

In Indonesian, there is a common way in order to express it.

The pattern is Subject + Adjective for positive statement, and for the negative one is Subject + tidak + Adjective like as English.

Examples[edit | edit source]

For example:

  • Kamu cantik.

You are beautiful.

  • Rumah itu besar.

That house is big.

  • Kucingnya putih dan lucu.

Her cat is white and funny.

  • Dia tidak bodoh.

He is not fool.

  • Buku-buku itu tidak berat.

That books are not heavy.

Adjectives[edit | edit source]

Here is some adjectives :

English Indonesian
Angry Marah
Beautiful Cantik
Big Besar
Difficult Sulit
Easy Mudah
Far Jauh
Fat Gemuk
Fool/stupid Bodoh
Funny Lucu
Good (for things) Bagus
Handsome Tampan
Happy Senang
Heavy Berat
Kind/Good (for person) Baik
Light in weight Ringan
Lose out Rugi
Lucky Beruntung
Narrow Sempit
Near Dekat
Sad Sedih
Short (for person, building) Rendah
Short in size Pendek
Slim (usually for woman) Langsing
Slim/thin/emaciated Kurus
Small Kecil
Smart Pintar
Tall Tinggi
Thick Tebal
Thin (for things eg. Paper, book) Tipis
Tired Capek
Ugly Jelek
Wide/spacious Luas

and more, plus the pronunciation:





big (m) / besar (m) / beh sahr grande / 
big (f) besar (f) beh sahr grande (fem)
other (m) / lainnya (m) / lah ihn nyah outro /
other (f) lainnya (f) lah ihn nyah outra
large (m) / besar (m) / beh sahr largo /
large (f) besar (f) beh sahr larga
heavy (m) / berat (m) / beh raht pesado /
heavy (f) berat (f) beh raht pesada
small (m) / kecil (m) / keh chihl pequeno /
small (f) kecil (f) keh chihl pequena
short (m) / pendek (m) / pehn dehk curto /
short (f) pendek (f) pehn dehk curta
thin (m) / tipis (m) / tih pihs magro /
thin (f) tipis (f) tih pihs magra
good (m) / baik (m) / bah ihk bom /
good (f) baik (f) bah ihk boa
dry (m) / kering (m) / keh rihn seco /
dry (f) kering (f) keh rihn seca
dirty (m) / kotor (m) / koh tohr sujo /
dirty (f) kotor (f) koh tohr suja
wet (m) / basah (m) / bah sahH úmido /
wet (f) basah (f) bah sahH úmida
correct (m) / benar (m) / beh nahr correto /
correct (f) benar (f) beh nahr correta
old (m) / tua (m) / tou ah velho /
old (f) tua (f) tou ah velha
new (m) / baru (m) / bah rou novo /
new (f) baru (f) bah rou nova
full (m) / penuh (m) / peh nooH cheio /
full (f) penuh (f) peh nooH cheia
cold (m) / dingin (m) / dihn gihn frio /
cold (f) dingin (f) dihn gihn fria
warm (m) / hangat (m) / hahn gaht quente /
warm (f) hangat (f) hahn gaht quente (fem)

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