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Hebrew Vocabulary - Education

Hi Hebrew learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on vocabulary related to education. Learning Hebrew vocabulary is essential if you want to improve your Hebrew skills. With the right vocabulary, you will be able to express yourself better and communicate more effectively. If you want to learn more Hebrew words and phrases, make sure to check out the Vocabulary section on Polyglot Club.

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Family & Demonstrative.

Everyday Hebrew Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some everyday Hebrew vocabulary that you may encounter in schools:

Hebrew Pronunciation English
חנוך khinukh Education
מורה mora Teacher (female)
מורה moreh Teacher (male)
תלמיד talmid Student (male)
תלמידה talmita Student (female)
בגרות bagrut Matriculation exam
לימודים limudim Studies
כיתה kitah Class
כיתת אפור kitat ef'or First Grade
כיתת ב kitat bet Second Grade
כיתה ג kitah gimmel Third Grade
כיתה ד kitah dalet Fourth Grade
כיתה ה kitah heh Fifth Grade
כיתה ו kitah vav Sixth Grade
כיתה ז kitah zayin Seventh Grade
כיתה ח kitah het Eighth Grade
כיתה ט kitah tet Ninth Grade
כיתה י kitah yud Tenth Grade
כיתה י"א kitah 'elev Eleventh Grade
כיתה י"ב kitah yud bet Twelfth Grade

Now, let's see some useful words and phrases to use in the classroom:

Hebrew Pronunciation English
מחברת mekhaveret Notebook
עט et Pen
מחקר michkar Research
מנחה mankha Lecture
מצגת matsagat Presentation
שולחן shulkhan Desk
כיסא kise Chair
מולטימדיה multimedia Multimedia
תמונה tmuna Picture
טלוויזיה televizia Television
קולנוע kolno'a Cinema
מאמן ma'amen Coach/Trainer

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Let's see an example dialogue:

  • Person 1: האם יש לך עט? (Haim yesh lecha et?) (Do you have a pen?)
  • Person 2: כן, יש לי. (Ken, yesh li.) (Yes, I do.)

Higher Education Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Now, let's move on to vocabulary related to higher education:

Hebrew Pronunciation English
אוניברסיטה universita University
פקולטה fakultah Faculty
מכללה mahlala College
תואר toar Degree
תואר ראשון toar rishon Bachelor's Degree
תואר מתקדם toar mitkadem Master's Degree
דוקטורט doctorat Doctorate/PhD
חוג khug Department
כנס knes Conference/Symposium
מחקר michkar Research
הרצאה hartsa'a Lecture
בחינה bakhina Exam
ספרייה seferiya Library

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: מה אתה לומד באוניברסיטה? (Ma ata lomed ba-universita?) (What are you studying at university?)
  • Person 2: אני לומד כלכלה. (Ani lomed kalkala.) (I'm studying economics.)

Fun Fact[edit | edit source]

Did you know that Hebrew University, located in Jerusalem, Israel, is one of the leading universities in the country and the Middle East? Founded in 1918, it has produced several Nobel laureates, including Albert Einstein.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Learning Hebrew vocabulary related to education is essential if you want to communicate effectively in Hebrew when talking about schools, universities, exams, and research. To improve your Hebrew, make sure to practice your vocabulary with other Hebrew learners and native speakers. You can find many resources and activities on Polyglot Club. Don't hesitate to ask questions and explore the language. 😊

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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