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Countries & Nationalities in Hebrew

שָׁלוֹם Hebrew Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson you will learn the main Country Names & Nationalities in Hebrew.

Knowing the names of countries and nationalities is a fundamental aspect of any language, and the same is true for Hebrew. Whether you're traveling, communicating with others from different cultures, or simply learning a new language, understanding the vocabulary of countries and nationalities can greatly expand your linguistic abilities. This lesson will introduce you to the names of countries and nationalities in Hebrew, along with their pronunciation and usage in context. Whether you're a beginner learner of Hebrew or looking to improve your vocabulary, learning the countries and nationalities in Hebrew can be an interesting and enlightening experience. So, let's dive into the world of Hebrew and expand your linguistic knowledge today!

Happy learning!

Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Fruits, Family, Languages shefot שפות & Countries meḏeynot מדינות.

Countries[edit | edit source]

English Hebrew (writing) Hebrew (pronunication)
country אֶרֶץ erets
Afghanistan  אַפְגָנִיסְטָן  afganiisTan 
Algeria  אַלְגִ'ירְיָה alguirya
Arab Emirates  האמירויות הערביות haemiruyot haaraviyot
Bahrain  בַּחְרֵיְן bakhrain
Egypt  מִצְרַיִם mitsrayim
Iraq  עִירַאק 'iraq
Israel  יִשְׂרָאֵל israel
Kuwait  כְּוֵית kevait
Lebanon  לְבָנוֹן levanon
Libya  לוּב Louv
Morocco  מָרוֹקוֹ maroqo
mosque מִסְגָד misgad
muslims מֻסְלְמִי mouslemii
Palestine  פָלַסְטִין falasTiin
Qatar  קָטָר qaTar
Syria  סוּרְיָה sourya
Tunisia  טוּנִיסְיָה Touniisya

Nationalities[edit | edit source]

English Hebrew (writing) Hebrew (pronunication)
American אמריקאי Americai
Brazilian בראזילאי Brazilai
British בריטי Briti
Chinese סיני Sini
French צרפתי Tzarfati
German גרמני Ge'rmani
Greek יווני Yevani
Indian הודי Hodi
Iranian איראני Irani
Irish אירי Iri
Italian איטלקי Italki
Japanese יפאני Yepani
Korean קוריאני Koriani
Moroccan מרוקאי Marokai
Portuguese פורטוגזי Portug'ezi
Russian רוסי Rusi
Spanish ספרדי Sfaradi

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Hebrew - Names of countries[edit | edit source]

Countries and nationalities (Hebrew)[edit | edit source]

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