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Dinner table in Hausa
Dinner table in Hausa

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”DINNER TABLE” in Hausa

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Happy learning!

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Pronouns in Hausa, Parts of the Body, Feelings and Emotions & Months of the Year.

Dinner table in Hausa[edit | edit source]

The soup Miyan mee yahn A sopa
I want ... Ina son ... ih nah sohn Eu quero ...
I would like

a food with ...

Ina son abinci

tare da ...

ih nah sohn ah bihn chih

tah reh dah ...

Eu gostaria de

uma comida com ...

The chicken  Kaza kah zah A galinha
The beef Naman sa nah mahn sah O bife
The fish Kifi kih fih O peixe
The ham A naman alade ah nah mahn ah lah deh O presunto
The cheese Cuku chou kou O queijo
The egg Ƙwai Kou ah ih O ovo
The bread  Gurasa gou rah sah O pão
The orange Launin lemu lah ou nihn leh mou A laranja
I need a

glass of ...

Ina bukatan

gilashin ...

ih nah bou kah tahn

gih lah sheen

Eu preciso de

um copo de ...

The water  Ruwan roo ou ahn A água
The wine  Giya gee ah O vinho
The black


Baƙin shayi bah Qeen shah ee O chá


The onion Albasa ahl bah sah A cebola

Videos[edit | edit source]

Shagalin Hausa Dinner Party Video 2018 - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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