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French Grammar - Position of subject pronouns

In declarative sentences, subject pronouns normally appear immediately before the verb which carries the tense:

  • Nous voulons voir le directeur

We want to see the manager

  • Tu comprends vite

You catch on quick

  • Elle a servi le vin chambré

She served the wine at room temperature

They can only be separated from this verb by the ne of negation, and by other pre-verbal pronouns:

  • Elle ne prend pas de café

She's not having any coffee

  • Tu Tas mangé

You ate it

  • Vous ne le ferez pas

You won't do it

Unlike in English, subject pronouns cannot normally be separated from the verb by adverbials or parenthetical expressions:

  • NOT Je souvent dîne avec Laura

I often dine with Laura

  • NOT I1, paraît-il, ne prend pas de café

He, it seems, isn't having coffee

versus the grammatical Je dîne souvent avec Laura, Il ne prend pas de café, paraît-il.

In direct questions involving inversion, subject pronouns appear immediately after the verb which carries the tense:

  • Sait-il nager? Can he swim?
  • Est-elle arrivée? Has she arrived?
  • Ont-ils mangé? Have they eaten?

When subject pronouns follow the verb in this way nothing else can intervene:

  • Ne le croyez-vous pas? Don't you believe it?
  • Ne le lui avez-vous pas donné? Didn't you give it to him?
  • Dînent-ils souvent ensemble? Do they often dine together?

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Possessive determiners, Omission of the article, Information questions & Adjective agreement with nouns.

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