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AIN'T: What does it mean?

"AIN'T" is very informal (some people would say incorrect). It is used a lot both in UK and the US; you will hear it in many movies and songs. Therefore it's important to understand its use.

However it should never be used in formal or written contexts.

Meanings[edit | edit source]

Originally it is a contraction of "are" and "not" - so "ain't" means "are not".

It generally replaces the use of the verb "to be" in the present and the negative, as well as the verb "to have" in certain cases:


  • You ain't going / You ain't goin' = Your are not going
  • I ain't French = I am not French
  • You ain't done it = You have not done it
  • I ain't done nothing = I haven't done anything (note this slang double negation)
  • He ain't got a car = He doesn't have a car

Other slang contractions in English[edit | edit source]


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