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Danish Vocabulary - Food

In today's lesson, we will learn some basic Danish vocabulary related to food. We will learn the words, phrases and also take a quiz at the end. Please feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Drinks, Clothes, Family Members & Greetings.

Main Words[edit | edit source]

Danish Pronunciation English
mad [maːð] food
kød [køːð] meat
fisk [fis] fish
grøntsager [grøn̩tsaːə] vegetables
æg [æɡ] eggs
brød [brøːð] bread
ost [oːst] cheese
kage [kaːə] cake
is [iːs] ice cream
juice [juːs] juice
kaffe [kaːfə] coffee
te [teː] tea
vin [viːn] wine
øl [øːl] beer

Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Jeg vil gerne have et stykke kage. ([jeː ʋil ɡeːɐnə hɑːʋə ɛt stʏkə kaːə]) – I would like a piece of cake.
  • Jeg har brug for noget kød. ([jeː hɑːɐ bɾuːɡ foːɐ noːjət køːð]) – I need some meat.
  • Har du noget fisk? ([hɑːɐ duː noːjət fis]) – Do you have any fish?
  • Jeg vil gerne have en kop kaffe. ([jeː ʋil ɡeːɐnə hɑːʋə ɛn koːp kaːfə]) – I would like a cup of coffee.
  • Jeg har brug for nogle æg. ([jeː hɑːɐ bɾuːɡ foːɐ noːlə æɡ]) – I need some eggs.
  • Har du noget ost? ([hɑːɐ duː noːjət oːst]) – Do you have any cheese?
  • Jeg vil gerne have en kop te. ([jeː ʋil ɡeːɐnə hɑːʋə ɛn koːp teː]) – I would like a cup of tea.
  • Jeg har brug for nogle grøntsager. ([jeː hɑːɐ bɾuːɡ foːɐ noːlə grøn̩tsaːə]) – I need some vegetables.
  • Har du noget juice? ([hɑːɐ duː noːjət juːs]) – Do you have any juice?
  • Jeg vil gerne have et glas vin. ([jeː ʋil ɡeːɐnə hɑːʋə ɛt ɡlaːs viːn]) – I would like a glass of wine.
  • Jeg har brug for noget øl. ([jeː hɑːɐ bɾuːɡ foːɐ noːjət øːl]) – I need some beer.

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Maintenance script and Vincent

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