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Bambara Grammar - How to Use "Have"

Hi Bambara learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to use the word "have" in Bambara grammar. This is an intermediate-level lesson, so make sure you are familiar with the basics of the language before proceeding. If you need any help, you can check out the Bambara grammar section on our website. And remember, the best way to learn a language is to practice with native speakers. You can find native speakers of Bambara on Polyglot Club and ask them any questions you may have. Let's get started!

What is "Have" in Bambara?[edit | edit source]

In Bambara, "have" is expressed using the verb "san" which also means "to have" or "to own." The verb "san" can be used in different tenses and moods to express the possession of an object, a quality, or a state of being.

For example:

  • N ta san laptop ye. (I have a laptop.)
  • A bè san jigi kelen. (He has black hair.)
  • Mogo fè bolo, min san baga. (The monkey ate the banana, but I still have some left.)

Notice that the verb "san" is always followed by the object being possessed, which is introduced by the particle "ye."

"Have" in the Present Tense[edit | edit source]

To express "have" in the present tense, we use the following forms of the verb "san":

Bambara Pronunciation English
Mɔgɔ san ye MOH-goh sahn yeh I have
Waati san ye WAH-tee sahn yeh You have
A san ye ah sahn yeh He/She/It has
Aw san ye ow sahn yeh We have (inclusive)
Amin san ye ah-MEEN sahn yeh We have (exclusive)
I ni san ye ee nee sahn yeh You (plural) have
Wòrɔ san ye woh-RO sahn yeh They have

For example:

  • Mɔgɔ san ye biiru. (I have a book.)
  • Waati san ye ka kuma jènè. (You have a lot of money.)
  • A san ye ka taa kɛnɛ. (He has a big house.)

"Have" in the Past Tense[edit | edit source]

To express "have" in the past tense, we use the following forms of the verb "san":

Bambara Pronunciation English
Mɔgɔ sàrà MOH-goh sah-RAH I had
Waati sàrà WAH-tee sah-RAH You had
A sàrà ah sah-RAH He/She/It had
Aw sàrà ow sah-RAH We had (inclusive)
Amin sàrà ah-MEEN sah-RAH We had (exclusive)
I ni sàrà ee nee sah-RAH You (plural) had
Wòrɔ sàrà woh-RO sah-RAH They had

For example:

  • Mɔgɔ sàrà bolo kolo. (I had some bananas yesterday.)
  • Waati sàrà taa duguw ka fɔ. (You had a big garden before.)
  • A sàrà mɔgɔ ye dòn. (He had my phone number.)

"Have" in the Future Tense[edit | edit source]

To express "have" in the future tense, we use the following forms of the verb "san":

Bambara Pronunciation English
Mɔgɔ dòn sàn MOH-goh dohn sahn I will have
Waati dòn sàn WAH-tee dohn sahn You will have
A dòn sàn ah dohn sahn He/She/It will have
Aw dòn sàn ow dohn sahn We will have (inclusive)
Amin dòn sàn ah-MEEN dohn sahn We will have (exclusive)
I ni dòn sàn ee nee dohn sahn You (plural) will have
Wòrɔ dòn sàn woh-RO dohn sahn They will have

For example:

  • Mɔgɔ dòn sàn kura. (I will have money tomorrow.)
  • Waati dòn sàn biro ye kulu. (You will have a lot of books to read.)
  • A dòn sàn taa kelen lamban. (He will have black shoes.)

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: Mɔgɔ san ye duguw ka fɔ. (I have a garden.)
  • Person 2: Aw san ye duguw ka fɔ kɛ. (We also have a garden.)
  • Person 1: Aw sàrà duguw ka fɔ gɔw. (We had a garden last year.)
  • Person 2: I ni sàrà mɔgɔ ka fò. (You guys had a dog.)
  • Person 1: A dòn sàn biiru bè. (He will have a new book.)
  • Person 2: Mɔgɔ dòn sàn jɔkɔ ye kolo. (I will have some bananas tomorrow.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You now know how to use the word "have" in Bambara. Remember to practice what you have learned with native speakers on Polyglot Club. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below. Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Give your Opinion & Conditional Mood.

Videos[edit | edit source]

How to count from 1-10 in Bambara/Dioula - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]


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