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Bambara Grammar - Give Your Opinion

Hi Bambara learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will learn how to give your opinion in Bambara. Giving your opinion is an important skill to have in any language as it allows you to express yourself and share your thoughts and ideas with others. We will also include some cultural information and interesting facts throughout the lesson to make it more engaging and fun.

Let's start with some grammar rules.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Adjectives & Questions.

Expressing "I think"[edit | edit source]

To express "I think," in Bambara, you use the word "i ka kalo." "I ka kalo" can be translated to "I believe" or "I consider."

Here is an example:

  • Person 1: "N ka kalo fanga ye." (I think the food is good.)
  • Person 2: "Min sanu ye ka?" (Why do you think so?)
  • Person 1: "I ka kalo te ye taa fo." (I believe it's because of the spices.)

Note that "ka" means "to think" or "to believe" in Bambara. You can also use "i ka ta" to say "I believe that" or "I think that."

Agreeing/Disagreeing[edit | edit source]

To agree or disagree with someone's opinion, you can use the following expressions:

  • "I ka nyini" - I agree.
  • "Min nyini ye?" - Do you agree?
  • "Taa i nyini kala" - I don't agree.

Here is an example dialogue:

  • Person 1: "I ka kalo a ni yiri taa fon ni." (I think it's going to rain tonight.)
  • Person 2: "I ka nyini ka?" (Do you agree?)
  • Person 1: "I ka nyini kala, taa kono yiri taa fala." (I don't agree, it rarely rains at night.)

Giving Reasons[edit | edit source]

When giving reasons for your opinion, you can use the following expressions:

  • "A ye te" - Because of...
  • "A ye hina" - Due to...
  • "A ye tun" - Thanks to...

Here is an example:

  • Person 1: "I ka kalo a ye te taa kari." (I think it's because of the wind.)
  • Person 2: "I ka nyini ka?" (Do you agree?)
  • Person 1: "I ka nyini, a ye te taa kari kalan ye." (I agree, it's because of the wind blowing.)

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some new vocabulary words you can use when giving your opinion:

Bambara Pronunciation English
kalo ka-lo to think/believe
fanga fan-ga food
sanu sa-nu why
taa fo ta-fo spices
nyini nyi-ni to agree
kala ka-la to disagree
yiri yi-ri rain
kono ko-no rarely
fala fa-la night
kari ka-ri wind

Now that we know the grammar rules and new vocabulary, let's practice with a dialogue:

  • Person 1: "I ka kalo a ye hina taa kuma ye ke." (I think it's due to the heat.)
  • Person 2: "Min sanu ka?" (Why do you think so?)
  • Person 1: "A ye hina ton ye ta'aw ye ka." (Due to the sun being too hot.)
  • Person 2: "I ka nyini ka?" (Do you agree?)
  • Person 3: "I ka nyini kala, a ye te ye saba ye ka." (I don't agree, I think it's because of the lack of clouds.)

Note that in Bambara, you can use "I" to represent yourself or "a" to represent oneself. The use of one word over the other doesn't really affect the meaning of the sentence. It's a matter of personal preference.

Cultural Tidbits[edit | edit source]

In Bambara culture, it is common to share your opinion in a respectful manner. Even if you disagree with someone, it is important to remain respectful and considerate towards their beliefs and opinions. Bambara people value open communication and the exchange of ideas.

Practice and Conclusion[edit | edit source]

As usual, practice makes perfect. Start practicing by giving your opinion in Bambara with your friends or ask native speakers and ask them any questions!

To improve your Bambara Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website, which offers a wealth of resources for language learners.

We hope you enjoyed this lesson and learned something new about giving your opinion in Bambara. Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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