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Family Vocabulary in Amharic

ጤና ይስጥልኝ! Amharic Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some vocabulary related to "the family and family members" in Amharic.

Happy learning!

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Time, Geometry, How to Say Hello and Greetings & Tastes.

ቤተሰብ : betäsäb - family[edit | edit source]

Amharic (አማርኛ) English
አያት : ayat grandfather
ሴት አያት : set ayat grandmother
ወላጅ : wälaj parent
አባት : abat, አባባ father, daddy
እናት : ənat mother, mom
ባል : bal husband
ሚስት : mist wife, spouse
ሙሽራ : mushira groom
ሙሽሪት : mushirit bride
ሰው : säw / ሰዎች : säwoch human being(s)
ወንድ : wänd man, male
ወንድ ልጅ : wänd ləj boy, son
ሴት : set / ሴቶች : setoch woman / women, female
ሴት ልጅ : set ləj girl, daughter
አጎት : agot uncle
አክስት : akst aunt
የወንድም ልጅ : yäwändəm ləj nephew
የአጎት ልጅ - yäagot ləj cousin
ወንድም : wändəm brother
እኅት : əet sister
መንታ : mänta

መንትያ : mäntya

[male] twin


በኩር : bekur first born
ልጅ : ləj / ልጆች : lədjoch child / children
ሕጻን , (ሕፃን) : həTS'an baby
እንግዳ : əngəda guest
ፍቅር : fəqr the love
ባልንጀራ companion
ጓደኛ : gwadänya friend
ጓደኛነት : gwadänyanät friendship
ወዳጅ lover,

boyfriend, girlfriend

ጠላት : T'älat enemy
ጎረቤት : goräbet / ጎረቤቶች : goräbetoch neighbor(s)
ሕዝብ : həzb people

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Amharic Vocabulary - Family Members![edit | edit source]

Amharic Vocabulary - Family Members[edit | edit source]

Family Members And Relatives In Amharic[edit | edit source]

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