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AmharicVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Business and Career Vocabulary → Business Terminology

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will focus on expanding your Amharic vocabulary in the context of business and career. Understanding business terminology is essential for anyone looking to engage in commerce, start their own business, or pursue a career in the business world. By learning key terms and phrases related to finance, marketing, and other business concepts, you will be better equipped to navigate professional situations and communicate effectively with Amharic-speaking colleagues and clients.

Throughout this lesson, we will explore a variety of business-related topics, providing you with the vocabulary and phrases you need to discuss these subjects in Amharic. We will also delve into cultural information and interesting facts related to business practices in Ethiopia, giving you a deeper understanding of how business is conducted in the country and enriching your language learning experience.

By the end of this lesson, you will have a strong foundation in Amharic business terminology, enabling you to confidently engage in business discussions and pursue your career goals in an Amharic-speaking environment.

Business Terminology[edit | edit source]

Finance[edit | edit source]

Finance is a crucial aspect of business, and understanding the terminology associated with it is essential for effective communication in the business world. Let's explore some key finance-related terms in Amharic:

Amharic Pronunciation English Translation
ግንኙነት gənnunət finance
ጉግኛ guggəɲa money
ግንኙነት ስራ gənnunət səra financial job
እርምጃ ərəmədʒa loan
ደጋፊዎች degafiwotʃ investors
አክሲዮን akəsijon taxation
ማሽን maʃən profit
ወርሃዊ warhawə annual
ፈቃድ fəkad interest
ብር bərə money

Here are some example sentences using finance-related terms:

  • ግንኙነት ስራ ለሚፈጥሩ ወርሃዊ ወርሃድ ይሰጣል። (Gənnunət səra ləmifətʃʼu warhawə warhəd yisəsatʃʼallə.) - Financial jobs require annual reports.
  • እርምጃ ለማሽን የተከፈተ ነው። (Ərəmədʒa ləmaʃən yetəkəfatə new.) - The loan has high interest.
  • እጅግ የግንኙነት ስራ አክሲዮን እንዳይጠቀመበት ማንም አይፈልግም። (Ədʒəgə yəgənnunət səra akəsijon əndayətəkəmətə mənam aʔəyifalləgəm.) - It's not advisable to engage in a financial job without understanding taxation.

Marketing[edit | edit source]

Marketing plays a crucial role in promoting products and services and attracting customers. Let's explore some key marketing terms in Amharic:

Amharic Pronunciation English Translation
ማስታወቂያ mastawəkʼia advertisement
መስሪያ məsria marketing
ጠቅላላ የገቢ ግንኙነቶች təqlalə yəgəbi gənnunətoʧʼ target audience
አዋቂ awaʔəki brand
ጥቅም tʼikʼim promotion
ማሳወቅያ masawəkʼia publicity
ተቀበል təkʼəbəl market
ሰርቪስ sərbis service
በግንኙነት bəgənnunət in business
ፈቃድ fəkad interest

Here are some example sentences using marketing-related terms:

  • ማስታወቂያ ከሰርቪስ ጠቅላላ የገቢ ግንኙነቶች ጋር እንዴት ይሰበሰባል? (Mastawəkʼia kəsərbis təqlalə yəgəbi gənnunətoʧʼ gara endətəh yisəbəsəbəllə?) - How will the advertisement reach the target audience?
  • ሰርቪስ በግንኙነት የተገኘ አዋቂ ነው። (Sərbis bəgənnunət yetəgənə aʔawaki new.) - The service is a popular brand in the market.
  • አዋቂያ ለተግባር ማስታወቂያ በግንኙነት ለመስሪያ ይወሰዳል። (Awaʔəkʼia lətəgəbar mastawəkʼia bəgənnunət ləmasria yiwəsdadallə.) - The brand creates marketing strategies for business.

Cultural Insight[edit | edit source]

In Ethiopia, business practices are often influenced by cultural norms and traditions. The concept of "guzo," meaning reputation or social standing, plays a significant role in business transactions. Ethiopians value trust and personal relationships in business dealings, and establishing a good reputation is crucial for long-term success.

Another cultural aspect to consider is the importance of hierarchy and respect in the workplace. Ethiopian society is hierarchical, and this is reflected in business environments as well. It is customary to show deference to superiors and elders, and decisions are often made by those in higher positions. Understanding and respecting these cultural norms will help you navigate the business landscape in Ethiopia more effectively.

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Complete the following exercises to reinforce your understanding of Amharic business terminology.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Amharic business term.

1. ግንኙነት ስራ ለሚፈጥሩ ወርሃዊ ወርሃድ ይሰጣል። (Financial jobs require ____________ reports.)

2. ማስታወቂያ ከሰርቪስ ጠቅላላ የገቢ ግንኙነቶች ጋር እንዴት ይሰበሰባል? (How will the advertisement reach the ____________ audience?)

3. እርምጃ ለማሽን የተከፈተ ነው። (The loan has high ____________.)

Exercise 2: Translate the Sentences Translate the following sentences from English to Amharic.

1. Marketing is essential for business success. 2. The company offers excellent services. 3. I am interested in finance and investments.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. ግንኙነት ስራ ለሚፈጥሩ ወርሃዊ ወርሃድ ይሰጣል። (Financial jobs require ወርሃዊ ወርሃድ (warhawə warhəd) reports.)

2. ማስታወቂያ ከሰርቪስ ጠቅላላ የገቢ ግንኙነቶች ጋር እንዴት ይሰበሰባል? (How will the advertisement reach the ጠቅላላ የገቢ ግንኙነቶች (təqlalə yəgəbi gənnunətoʧʼ) audience?)

3. እርምጃ ለማሽን የተከፈተ ነው። (The loan has high ፈቃድ (fəkad).)

Exercise 2: Translate the Sentences

1. Marketing is essential for business success. - መስሪያ ለተግባር በማስታወቂያ ነው። (Məsria lətəgəbar bəmastawəkʼia new.)

2. The company offers excellent services. - የድርሰት አስተዋፅኦዎችን ማሳወቅያ ይሰጣል። (Yədrəstə asəwasoʧʼən masawəkʼia yisətatʃʼallə.)

3. I am interested in finance and investments. - እዚህ እርምጃዎችን እና ደጋፊዎችን ማሻሻያ እንዴት ለመስጠት ነው። (Əzih ərəmədʒawotʃʼən ənə degafiwotʃʼən maʃaʃajaʔə endətəh ləmasətʃʼʼ new.)

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