Vietnam - Polyglot Sieť

Vitajte v Vietnam Polyglot sieti!

Welcome to our Vietnam Polyglot Network!

yesLet's learn languages together!yes

“A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.”

(Gaston Bachelard)


hoailinh00 profile picture hoailinh00October 2012
Go to bed early ...
hoailinh00 profile picture hoailinh00October 2012
hello everyone . My english is so bad . Can you help me ?
hoathuytien profile picture hoathuytienOctober 2012
today i learn toiec in my university.i recevied i need to improve listening and reading english skill!
miphan profile picture miphanSeptember 2012
hello,nice to meet you.I'm currently a college student.My English not good,i'd love to learn English,hope to receive your help to exchange the ability to communicate in English.Besides that, i want to learn in France to expand new new language.Thankyou very much
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