Ho Chi Minh City - Polyglot Network

Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City Polyglot Network!

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
‒Ludwig Wittgenstein


Adnavmal profile picture AdnavmalJuly 2012
chao các bạn, mình là sinh viên, hiện giờ minh dang song o tp hcm... các bạn tham gia polyglot dang o hcm city thì liên hệ mình, hôm nào đi cafe nhé...
dear friends, i live in hcm city and i am a student, i'd like coffe shoping with all of you, cotact me for more details
phamnga0109 profile picture phamnga0109July 2012
Nhan178 profile picture Nhan178July 2012
Hi everybody! I'm new. I come from Vietnam. I'm very pleased to get acquainted with you all and I hope we will make chances to help each other get more understanding about languages, cultures and people,etc. Looking forward to you! :-)
BichTram profile picture BichTramJuly 2012
I'm new member and I'm from Vietnam.I'm gonna go to college this year and I need to know more about English. especially grammar.could every body help me?
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