Venezuela - Polyglot Network

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SergiusAllende profile picture SergiusAllendeFebruary 2017
I am a native Spanish speaker from South America according to the British Council I've got a C2 English level. I can help people who are learning English and Spanish if they can help me to learn Russian
edgarchay profile picture edgarchaySeptember 2016

Goodnight! I'm new and would like to deepen the English , I would like to interact with other members ... Sorry if I misspelled

Goodnight! I'm new and would like to deepen the English , I would like to interact with other members ... Sorry if I misspelled !


Nathaly_aparicio profile picture Nathaly_aparicioSeptember 2016
Hi my name is Nathaly, I have fifteen years old and I want practice english, I speak spanish
  • Naideli profile picture NaideliSeptember 2016
    Soy de Venezuela. Mi idioma nativo es el Español. Tambien quiero aprender.
  • aahd15 profile picture aahd15September 2016
    agg puedo practicar junto ati y tambien soy de vzla y ando aprendiendo por mi cuenta tambien.
Naideli profile picture NaideliSeptember 2016
Hi. My name is Naideli . I am from Venezuela. I want to learn English. My native language is Spanish and I can teach the language. Anyone want to teach English ?
StevenGabriel profile picture StevenGabrielSeptember 2016
Hello my name is Steven , I have 22 years and I want to learn English and Russian , my native language is Spanish and we can learn from each other , Greetings !
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