👉 French Virtual Hour , Thu, Mar 6, 2025, 6:00 PM

Event description

  • Datum: Mar 06, 2025
  • Tyd: 18:00
  • Adres: Sigbare adres vir bywoners
  • www.meetup.com

Secure your participation by grabbing your ticket via the Eventbrite link (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/french-virtual-hour-tickets-860588392047). Please note that simply RSVPing on the Meetup page does not grant you access to the event.


Join us for an engaging online French conversation session! This virtual meet-up mirrors the experience of our in-person gatherings, allowing you to connect from the comfort of your own home.


  1. Register for FREE on Eventbrite.
  2. Upon securing your complimentary ticket, you will receive the Event ID and Password via email on the day of the event.
  3. In order to maintain a lively atmosphere, please keep your camera on during the session.
  4. Spots are limited, so be sure to RSVP as soon as possible!

Feel free to BYOB - Bring your favorite drink, whether it's alcoholic or non-alcoholic!

Hulle praat oor ons!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club