English-Spanish Speaking Event with Alfredo :)

Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: Apr 12, 2016
  • Thời gian: 17:35
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia
  • Giá: no€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 50
  • Số người tham dự lớn nhất: 50
  • Facebook
  • Số điện thoại: 380 98 8631938

Wonderful news!


Tomorrow we invite you to join our English-Spanish event from PolyglotClub Ukraine with a native speaker of English/Spanish and just a funny and wonderful person - Alfredo!


You want spend the evening in a friendly atmosphere practicing your English? Then hurry up to join us!


Date: 12/04/2016

Time: 17:00


Place: Dublin pub (пр. Науки, 12)

Topic: about everything :)


What do you need to have:

Willing to speak in English

Good mood

Badge with your name


If you have any questions, you can ask it in the group by sending a message.


Speaker of the meeting is Alfredo 380958733152


Dominique - 380 98 8631938, President of PolyglotClub Ukraine



e-mail: polyglotclub.ua(at)outlook.com


web-site: https://polyglotclub.com/




They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2016
Thanks for proposal
