Trivia Night: Questions in English & Turkish, Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 7:00 PM
Event description

- Data: Mar 11, 2025
- Time: 19:00
- Adresa: Address visible for attendees
(Türkçesi aşağıdadır)
Get ready for an exciting evening of trivia at our newest venue, Sanat Teras in Beyoğlu! Join us for a night filled with fun and friendly competition. Limited discounted early bird tickets are up for grabs!
Secure your discount tickets here: (Please ensure you select the right date.)
IMPORTANT: We advertise our events across multiple platforms. Even if the attendance on Meetup appears low, you can expect a lively crowd! Check out our recent trivia nights on our Instagram:
The trivia challenge will wrap up by 10:30 PM, but feel free to stick around for some fantastic music. We often have karaoke happening downstairs!
Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, savor delicious food and affordably priced drinks, and show off your trivia skills!
The top three teams will take home prizes, along with some surprise awards sprinkled throughout the evening.
Event Details:
- Teams can have a maximum of 6 players. If you're coming alone or with a friend, we're happy to help you join a team! (Note: Groups larger than six can play, but will not be eligible for prizes.)
- No mobile devices or laptops during the game. Cheating will result in excessive ringing of the shame bell and disqualification from the game.
- Entry fee is 200 TL per person at the venue, cash only.
- Participants must be 18 years or older.
- No cash prizes will be awarded.
- Questions will be presented in both English and Turkish.
- Our team will be present starting at 7:00 PM to welcome guests.
Trivia questions will commence at 8:00 PM. Please ensure you arrive by this time.
Stay updated with all our events by following us on Instagram:
Our Trivia Nights are supported by the global team at Scorp, who are currently seeking native Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, and Spanish speakers to join their expanding team in Istanbul.
Sorular Türkçe ve İngilizce olacaktır.
- Bir takımda en fazla 6 kişi olabilir. Takımınız yoksa sizi başka bir takıma ekleyebiliriz. (Not: 8 kişiye kadar grupların oyuna katılmasına izin verilecektir ancak ödüller yalnızca 6 kişilik gruplara verilecektir. Eğer grubunuz 6 kişiden fazla ise ödül kazanma hakkınız olmayacaktır.)
- Oyun sırasında laptop/telefon gibi gereçlerin kullanımı yasaktır. Eğer kopya çekerken yakalanırsanız takımınız diskalifiye olacaktır.
- Giriş ücreti 200 TL’dir. (Sadece nakit.)
- 18 yaş altı katılamaz.
- Para ödülümüz yoktur.
- Kapılar 19.00’da açılır ve oyun saat tam 20.00’da başlar. Geç kalmamanızı rica ederiz.
Address: Hüseyinağa, No: 11, 34, Nevizade Sk., 34435 (Beyoğlu)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendees must be 18+. Tickets are non-refundable. // Katılımcılar 18+ olmalıdır. Biletler iade edilmez. Trivia Nights regularly feature a photographer, with photos being posted online afterward.
Discount tickets available here: (Please ensure you select the correct date.)
NOTE: We promote events on multiple platforms. Even if attendance is low on Meetup, there will likely be several attendees. You can see photos from our events here.

- vincent
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