Eat Dürüm-cig kofte&Speak&Fun&new friend

Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: Feb 16, 2019
  • Thời gian: 13:30
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia
  • Giá: 15€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10
  • Số người tham dự lớn nhất: 10
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Hello Ploglot Members,

I really wish to eat Dürüm and Çiğ köfte :)) so lets eat them and speak languages and make friends also have fun.

I ll let you know about Dürüm place which is very famous and deligous.


İ stanbul Admin

If you are lucky enough to meet people who speak your target language regularly, be it on a trip or because you live in a multi-ethnic city, then you can probably have them help you to learn much more about your language. The basis is in the right attitude, and the exercise is very pleasurable. I've used it over and over in 4 languages and in many countries and it works really well, and is rewarding at the same time. Here's my advice:


When you meet people who are native speakers of your target language, at home or abroad :

  1. Speak to people and smile and be open minded about having them correct your pronunciation or grammar. Show that you are genuinely happy that they correct you.

  2. Master perfectly ( I mean nuances and prononunciation) the few phrases that make most of small talk : greetings, presentation of self, how and why you learn their language, where you come from,

  3. Talk to people gently, looking them in the eyes and listening to what they say. If they are a bit rude or expeditive, you have maybe a chance to make them helpful for the rest of your days. Here's how : Once I was in a little bakery shop in Rome and I asked for the exact name of a pastry I didn't know to the waitress. She answered me very drily and looked after another customer. I kept smiling, and said gently to another waitress : 'Oh, I see it's monday morning, it's a difficult hour for everybody, sorry if I was rude' (I wasn't). The next day when I came, the 'rude' waitress talked half an hour with me and offered me a bagful of warm cookies for free...

  4. If someone answers you in english or in another language when you spoke in your target language in the first place, DON'T go on in the target language as if nothing happened. The other person is making efforts to be helpful by talking to you in english, or just want to show off its skills (very common in some countries like Germany). So if you want him to help you with your target language, you have to acknowledge the fact that he speaks english, congratulate him for his english and then explain that you came here to practice this beautiful language that is your target language.

  5. When you hear a word you don't understand, wait for the speaker to finish his phrase and then raise your hand with a smile and say Excuse me Sir but I did not understand the word XXX ? What does it mean ? Would you write it down for me ? , preferably in your target language. Of course a beginner cannot do that because people would not have enough time to teach him everything. But still they will almost always be willing to help for a few words.

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nezih_duze profile picture nezih_duzeJanuary 2019
Hello all, Is there any french speaking person who will attend this meeting?
kuzey2018 profile picture kuzey2018September 2018
where is in ataşehir ?
Hicret profile picture HicretSeptember 2018
İ would like to be there
martymfly profile picture martymflyJanuary 2009
that's a nice idea and thanks for your advices
trmszlmzmehtap profile picture trmszlmzmehtapFebruary 2009
that is right.. I eaten too. thanks for this good message