POLYGLOT Club Meeting with ALEX!

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2010

Dear memina

We really thank you for helping organizing this language exchange gathering.  As we said, unfortunately Pat and I  (who are running this website) are not in Bkk right now.  We really wish we could be there. We will be there with our mind and spirit. Our friend Alex asked us to organize this special event.  We think it could be a good idea to have regular free event to learn languages here in Bkk because there is a real need and potential.

All the best !!


memina profile picture meminaDecember 2010

By the way, will you guys pat and vincent come and join the event?

pat profile picture patNovember 2010

  Great to see you ALL here! Welcome to this MOMENTOUS Polyglot Club Party in Bangkok =)

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010

Hey everybody

Thank you everybody for all your nice comments )) that's cool that the BANGKOK NETWORK is going back to life !!!

of course participation is FREE )))

woodysak profile picture woodysakNovember 2010

  hey i am also found in facebook going this name woody shakti  , feel free to add me, but one thing, just also mention you're from polyglot ok??? 

very excited to see you guys :))) 

yok2529 profile picture yok2529November 2010

Just another question. Is there any expense? Do I have to pay for anything if I join?

siwakorn profile picture siwakornNovember 2010

I am really looking forward to this event! Well, I'm on facebook here's my name Stop Khemthorn. See y'all this Saturday.

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010

thannnnnks !!! I  have edited the main post with those details !!!
