Polyglot --- Joint Meeting With NTU Multi-Lingua Exchange Club

Beschrijving van het evenement


BruceFan profile picture BruceFanSeptember 2007

Hi, guys

I really want to join this meeting to know new friends from different country.

Unfortunately  I have class in SHIH CHIEN university (SCU) at night from monday to friday.

If you want to know me and would like have a new friend, please contact with me by MSN.

BruceFanBruceFan profile picture

Hope to get any reply soon.


aderliu profile picture aderliuSeptember 2007

Thanks a lot for organizing this meeting.

One question...it is opened to everyone, right?  I mean...I am  not a NTU student. (far too old to be an university student...ha!) can I join?


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007
One day to go before the meeting !!
yugho profile picture yughoSeptember 2007
hi... I really want to participate in this meeting. I've registered, but I'm afraid I'll coming back home too late. I come back from Hsincu Industry Park.
Superakali profile picture SuperakaliSeptember 2007

          Hello, thank you for your suggestion. I think it is possible to  modify  this Friday  meeting. However, we still don't have  a lot of  regular members  . If we change the meeting time or place  every week, it would  be more  difficult to attract  regular members. In my opinion, we should fix the meeting on Friday for couple weeks and then all the members can discuss the other possibility.

        And you are perfectly right. KFC is not an ideal place for discussion and is only temporary. It's a bit noisy there and some it's not at the center of the city. All this can be changed. Once we have a solid base of regular members, we can try to find a better place according to the preference of the majority of the participants.

        Last but not least, the 3rd meeting will definitely come up soon.

IDK profile picture IDKSeptember 2007
It is possible that you could change the place to McDonald? or restaurant in NTUST...(But not insist)cuz I don't like KFC actually .

I think 20:00~22:00 is a bit late.

And would that have the third meeting in Taipei?

Cuz I can't go to the incoming one.

peace out~
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007

He Terry,

good luck for your second meeting

keep posting this url https://polyglotclub.com/meetings.php?post_id=632

on websites like :

kijiji or couchsurfing or other Tawanese websites : it will help

and you can also ask people to help you stick paper posters on language related places like universities or international places

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007


A message was sent to the members in Taiwan = 1277

see ya !!