Polyglot --- Joint Meeting With NTU Multi-Lingua Exchange Club

Beschrijving van het evenement


faire1217 profile picture faire1217November 2007

Dear All:

  I am so excited to meeting you all here!! I hope to make more friends and improve my conversation skill here!! Nice to meet you~~

Superakali profile picture SuperakaliNovember 2007
We all had a good time tonight ! Please invite your friends to come and tell your friends about Polyglot !!!
HunterWu profile picture HunterWuNovember 2007
HI I'm Hunter and I'm a new member. I'm sorry I can't make it tonight. I won't be here next two weeks...what's a pity  I'll join  the meeting when I come back. I'd like to make more friends in Taipei and improve my language abilities. If you're interested, you can add me on MSN. My MSN is HunterWuHunterWu profile picture. Have a nice weekend
JenniferTsai profile picture JenniferTsaiNovember 2007
I really enjoyed the meeting with you guys. It's a pity I cannot join you in coming 2 weeks.....Hope you all have a happy weekend. ^_^
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
I highly trust POLYGLOT TAIWAN

By the way, there will B a new show on TV on tuesday 4 in the SNAX KFE

soon, the Taiwain TV will be there to see you

Best regards,

Superakali profile picture SuperakaliNovember 2007
It's winter time now in Taiwan  ~~~~~ Polyglot Taiwan has also entered this lonely phase of the year ~~ But ~~~ Our passion for languages never dies out ~
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Don't forget the meeting tomorrow !
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Mailing sent

Total members in Taiwan = 1373