Fransk-svenskt språkcafé | Café linguistique français-suédois, Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 6:00 PM

Event description

  • Data: Dec 07, 2023
  • Time: 18:00
  • Adreça: Address visible for attendees

Join us for a language café where we can enjoy a cup of coffee, get to know each other, and engage in free-flowing conversations. We'll spend one hour speaking Swedish and another hour speaking French (or vice versa, depending on participants' preferences). Basic knowledge of both languages is recommended, as it will allow you to introduce yourself and share simple information about yourself. While it's beneficial if one of the languages is your native tongue, it's not a requirement. The main goal is to listen to and practice French/Swedish.

To continue hosting our gatherings at Generator café, we kindly ask that you order something from their bar.

Parlen de nosaltres!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club