Arabisk-svenskt språkkafé! مقهى اللغات السويدية والعربية, Sat, Aug 12, 2023, 3:00 PM ...

Event description

  • Data: Aug 12, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees

Join us for a delightful language cafe experience where we'll have a cup of coffee, engage in conversations, and learn something new. The event will kick off with 45 minutes of Arabic followed by 45 minutes of Swedish. It is recommended that participants have at least basic knowledge in both languages (i.e., be able to introduce themselves).

All language cafe attendees are kindly asked to make a purchase from the cafe.


مقهى اللغات السويدية والعربية
Join us for a "fika" together, converse, have a great time, and learn new things. We will begin with a 45-minute Arabic session, followed by a 45-minute Swedish session.
It is preferable for each participant to have at least some knowledge of both languages (i.e., at least know how to introduce themselves).
All language cafe participants are requested to buy something from the cafe.

They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club