Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: Aug 18, 2009
  • Thời gian: 20:00
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia
  • Couchsurfing
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Hi again all  Polyglots  in Stockholm!!!

As the last Summer Meeting in July in Stockholm was a great success, we have decided to arrange another one before the beautiful Summer's last day. Therefore, you are  now invited, new as old members and participants, to a great Summer Meeting number 2  "POLYGLOT SUNFLOWER EVENT 2"  in the beautiful center of Stockholm!


We are going to meet up again  to practice our different languages  (included Swedish) in a bar with terrace in a nice environment in Vasastan.
If you would like to and could, we gladly hope so, participate on this meeting in August, please register on the Polyglot Club website as soon as possible.

        * When? Thuesday 18 th of August 2009 at  8 pm to 11 pm.
      * Where? The nice bar "Ra < Bar> ber" in Vasastan ( Metro Sankt Eriksplan).

MAP to the BAR

        * How? Do you know at least 2 languages and would like to practice one or serveral languages in an international environment with other polyglot members (if you are not yet a member please register for free asap), then you are most welcome to our meeting.

The Meeting is free (for more information about the Polyglot  Club  meetings  please see  the Polyglot Club's conditions and rules on this website).

We hope to see a great number of people on Polyglot Club Summer meeting in Stockholm!
N.B. Because of a limited  space, of the bar, we will only be able to accept the first 50 registred members to this meeting, so please register a.s.a.p. if you would like  participate on this great summer event.

Sunflowerish Polyglot Regards,

Amanda, Sara, and Vincent (Guesthost)

(your Polyglot Club's hosts for this meeting).


PS. If you have any questions regarding this meeting please input a comment to this meeting, and we will give you a reply.

*Photo of the Bar RaBARber:



They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hi dear Polyglots,

Finally here  are the photos from our great meeting in end of August.

Enjoy and see you soon again for more fabulous meetings!



eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hi polyglots of Stockholm,

Thank you for a nice meeting last Tuesday, we broke the record once again being about 25 members , that is brilliant.

Shortly,  we will put the photos online as well as organise a new meeting probably in September. Keep your eyes open.

Have a nice week,

Kind regards,


eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hello all Polyglots in Stockholm!

The great Summer Event 2    is Tonight so see you all this evening! 

You are most welcome, it will be fun!!

Summerish Polyglot regards,

Amanda, Sara, and Vincent

Ps. If you have not yet registred feel free to do so before  7 pm.

eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hej Pedro Joao!

Thanks for the message. great that you can come to the meeting tonight! The easiest way to go there from Skanstull is to take the Green metro line direction north via T-Centralen. You get off at Sankt Eriksplan exit Torsgatan. You walk Torsgatan to the right from the metro and about 200 m up you see on the corner side Rabarber, see map attached. :-)




misspascale profile picture misspascaleAugust 2009

Dear Sara, Amanda and Vincent !

I'll be arriving in Stockholm this Friday evening (21th) , so unfortunately I'll miss tonight party, but could you tell me if you organise something else during the week end ?

I'll be happy to meet you if you have time,  I am travelling by myself and I'll stay 3 days in Stockholm, I go to Riga by boat on monday.

Looking forward to hear from you

Pascale (Polyglot Paris)

pedrojoao profile picture pedrojoaoAugust 2009

Hi everybody!

i´ve just arrived today to stockholm but it will be a pleasure attending the meeting tomorrow.

can anybody indicate me the best transport to get to there? i´m staying just around the corner from skanstulls subway station.

thanks for all and seeya tomorrow

eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hello all nice polyglots in Stockholm!

The moment you all been waiting for is soon here , one more week exactly to go and we will see you on this great Summer  event 2!

If you have not yet registred to the meeting, please do so shortly as the places are limited.

Hope to see many of you the Tuesday the 18th on this event in the Capital!

Kindly polyglotly  regards,

Amanda and Sara

eamandae profile picture eamandaeAugust 2009

Hi there,

that is fantastic, we hope to see many of you. There is still room for some more people... so do not hesitate to register and come to this magnificient event!!!

Have a nice day in the sun!
