Saturday 21 : Meeting in Stockholm !!

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EpsilonBXL profile picture EpsilonBXLFebruary 2009

Right Vincent, Internet is a blessing, one can find a-ny-thing. I had left a comment earlier, or at least I thought so... It's very late already and I can't possibly write it all over again, so here goes briefly:

opening hours i couldn't find the other day:  By the way, this building reminds me a lot of Beaubourg!!  seems to be a very popular place to visit during your trip, not necessarily for the polyglot meeting

And there were two  more links I will find again and give you some other time. Guys, there are plenty of things to see and do over there, and I can imagine you will feel soooo sorry on 22 March, when you have to leave this beautiful city soooo soon...

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
Here is a message from ranjita

From: ranjita_duttaroy Date: 04-02-2009 Time: 14:58:42
Subject: Re:

Thanks a lot! Unfortunately I'm quite new to Stockholm myself (I'm originally from Gothenburg), so I don't know too many places, but if you want to meet during day time there is always the famous Vetekatten.

See you soon,

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
you are a boss EpsilonBXL

you can do everything with internet

do you agree with her choice ??
EpsilonBXL profile picture EpsilonBXLFebruary 2009      From what I spotted here, the Nada Bar is not suitable for a polyglot meeting like the one I attended in Brussels last week-end.  I can easily picture you chatting in the Ljunggrens, which seems to be a quieter cosy place and therefore much more appropriate, but I'm merely judging by the picture, as I've never been there...  Otherwise, I could tell whether SEK 56.00 is the price of a pint or just "un demi"!

Another intersting place to  visit is the Kulturhuset, where the Tapas Bar Barcelona is open until late on Saturdays. The Panorama Café was mentioned somewhere in the website but I couldn't find any information regarding its opening hours.   

Wherever your Polyglot get together may take place  in Stockholm, I wish you a fruitful and memorable meeting.

With kind regards,


baharbara profile picture baharbaraJanuary 2009

Hey !

Its sounds absolutely great! I think the best is to meet, as it had been said, inside a  bar -don't know about the nada bar. About the hour, 20.30-21.00 seems to be a good time.

So if it happens, i  might come.


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009
The best is to meet INSIDE  a bar or a pub !! (like the bar i am suggesting below "Nada bar")

else, it's gonna be too cold !!

ok with the bar I am suggesting ??

at what time would be the best

after dinner 8:30 would be good ??

KalilrahzA profile picture KalilrahzAJanuary 2009

I do share the question of timing with Vincent.  I have never been to this kind of meeting before.  Is it going to be out doors at 21:00 ( Picture sugests people sitting out on the lawn of some building or a park.)  In that case it would be rather uncomfortable and beside would make it neccessary for those comming from other cities to make arrangments for overnighting.


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009
Last POLYGLOT meeting in November 4 2008 was organized here

do you think this place would be OK to meet ???

saturday night would be good ??

Nada bar

Åsögatan 140

116 24 Stockholm