Sudan - Δίκτυο Πολυγλωτ

Καλωσήρθατε στο Sudan Δίκτυο Polyglot!

نرحب بجميع الاعضاء  فى اسرة  السودان

wellcome in sudan


AliAMohamed profile picture AliAMohamedJanuary 2017
I need to learn French
Je voudrais apperendre le français
mozilla profile picture mozillaApril 2013
hi my name is ahmad I speak arabic I went learn english
nagibabiker profile picture nagibabikerNovember 2012
Hi guys my pleasure to join you
mtamido profile picture mtamidoMay 2012
Dear all,

Those who are concerned about being Admins, please take a look at the requirements very well before applying or sending CVs. People who are bi-lingual or with more than 2 languages are strongly encouraged to apply.

Thank you.
sulieman profile picture suliemanJuly 2012
hi my name is sulieman i am speak arabic i want to learn english please help me
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