HEADSTRONG FITNESS, Mon, May 6, 2024, 9:30 AM

Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: May 06, 2024
  • Thời gian: 09:30
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia
  • www.meetup.com

Join us for a transformative fitness experience that focuses on both the body and mind! Embrace the mantra "A Healthy Body = A Healthy Mind" with our HEADSTRONG FITNESS class. This session is ideal for individuals of all backgrounds and fitness levels, offering a supportive community to help you reach your goals.

Our Functional Fitness Class is designed to be inclusive and adaptive, ensuring that every participant can fully engage in the workout. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, our movements can be tailored to suit your needs. Don't forget to bring a mat if you have one available! Join us for only €7 per class.

Follow our journey on Instagram for more fitness inspiration and updates: staceybrownfitnessvalencia

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