Polyglot Meeting (english,espanol,italiano)

Event description

  • Дата: Sept 18, 2008
  • Time: 20:00
  • Адрас: Address visible for attendees

Hola a todos!!!!!!!! Espero que estéis todos superbien y con gana de volver al ataque!!! Después de dos semanas de ininterrumpido trabajo debido a la baja imprevista de una companera, aproveché unos dias libres para visitar mi mami en ITALIA (por eso no me salen los puntos al revès, ni los accentos....). Aun no son vacaciones pero por lo menos unos dias de tregua!!!

Vamos a tener que retomar nuestra agenda e ir a por la asociacion, como siempre todo el mundo està invitado en cualquier momento a colaborar y compartir ideas o proyectos personales!

Fuertes abrazos de PZ


Hello!!! Hope you are all well and ready to be back on the road again! At the moment I am visiting my mum in ITALY, unfortunately not yet holidays but at least a few days after working hard for  two entire weeks due to one of my colleagues' sick leave!

We will have to retake our agenda and move forward with the multicultural association,  anybody is always invited to  collaborate and share ideas  or personal projects!

Big hugs from  PZ 

Яны гавораць пра нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Last reminder sent

Total members in Aragon = 121
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Please check the new POSTER and new FLYER

This will help you have lots of new participants to your meetings.

Print them out and stick them in public places where you know there are lots of foreigners.




vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
the mailing has been sent

Total members in Aragon = 118

good luck for your meeting

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
great idea!

we'll send the notification to the member asap ! -)

any picture from the last meetings ?


