Russia - Polyglot Network

Taip bandar anda:

Selamat datang Russia ke Rangkaian Polygot!

Image known to the whole world

Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить: У ней особенная стать, В Россию можно только верить.

Nocomprehension by wise head, No measurement by square yard 'Coz Russia has its own stand, The optimum is to believe in Russland...

Welcome to our country!  Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, it is a great land thatspreads for many kilometers and spans eleven time zones and twocontinents. The country combines in its culture something taken frompractical West and at the same time a lot taken from attractive East. Itis one ofthe oldest, one of the most beautiful countries in the world and itremains to be one of the most mysterious places for the foreigners.Traveling to Russia and visiting memorial places enables you to learnRussian history, some of the Russian traditions and to meet Russianpeople, who are famous for the warm hospitality. Stepup towards Russia!


Darika31 profile picture Darika31August 2013
salut! je veux apprendre le francais. je cherche quelqu`un qui puet m`aider. Ecrivez s`il vous plait))))
Vadyarik profile picture VadyarikAugust 2013

Hay. I am russia. I want to learn English, at this stage of the study I began to teach the word. I will help you learn the Russian language, I will be glad to help you.

Klavdi profile picture KlavdiAugust 2013
Salut! Je veux apprendre le français. Je parle en russe. Je peux aider avec la Russie.
Creativ profile picture CreativAugust 2013
Hey my friends. let's learn English together. this will be useful for us. if we speak English often, we will learn it faster.
ly7 profile picture ly7June 2013
Привет, друзья! Прошу помощи носителей языка с изучением английского, а я помогу вам с русским.

Hi, firends! I ask for help native speakers in English studying, and I will help you with Russian.
  • Creativ profile picture CreativAugust 2013
    Hey my friends. let's learn English together. this will be useful for us. if we speak English often, we will learn it faster.