Trip to SPb!

Event description

  • Data: Feb 08, 2013
  • Time: 22:00
  • Adresas: Address visible for attendees
  • Couchsurfing
  • Telefono numeris: +7 909 9999 765

Beautiful city - SPb,
proper month - February,
good company - CSers, Polyglots & just good people.

Does this attracts you? Come on join our group.

So the plan is:

1st day
1. Take a train Friday night (8th of February).
2. Have a breakfast in the heart of awakening city.
3. Visit some sights you dreamt all your life.
4. Meet Polyglots/CSers/good people of SPb.
5. Have some crazy night in a city which also (almost) never sleeps.

2nd day
6. Meet an outstanding second morning in the same city you was yesterday =)
7. Some calm entertainment...
8. Preparation for inevitable return to our lovely crazy city...
9. Train/Sapsan/Plane to Moscow.
10. La fin.

Guys, we have 08.02 Moscow-SP 23:00-06:40 train №26A carriage 01, seat numb.14.16,47!
SP-Moscow 10.02 22:40-05:57 train №27A, carriage 03, seat numb. 35,36.

Still here? Write here or call me if you have questions ;-)
+7 965 258 9003 (Alex Volkov)
+7 916 643 71 85 (Anna Karaseva)


Jie kalba apie mus!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club