Saturday's meeting

Event description

  • วันที่: Sept 29, 2012
  • Time: 16:20
  • ที่อยู่: Address visible for attendees
  • Couchsurfing
  • เบอร์โทรศัพท์: 8 965 313 26 94

Hello polyglots!

Let us meet 29th of September (Saturday) at cafe Mou Mou on the Arbat Street 4-1! We will play guitar and etc. Do you like music? If yes, join to us!!! It it just on Arbat Street (The famous street in Moscow)


Time: at 16.00 till 20.00


Contat me if you have any questions or ideas My phone is 8 965 313 26 94



See you on Saturday!!!


Media coverage - Polyglot Club


AlejandraZaretskaya profile picture AlejandraZaretskayaSeptember 2012
Tatyana, i am very glad!!! See you the next meeting!!! this is the link for my group in
Tanya_Sunny_31 profile picture Tanya_Sunny_31September 2012
Саша, Вера и все-все-все!!!
Огромное спасибо за встречу!
Было здорово!
AlejandraZaretskaya profile picture AlejandraZaretskayaSeptember 2012
Dear friends! If you have some chairs (fishing chairs) it would be great! For our players. Thanks
Tanya_Sunny_31 profile picture Tanya_Sunny_31September 2012
Список песен в студию, пожалуйста!!!
Я буду петь только песни, которые знаю!)))))
Вера, какие песни будешь играть?
Пишите, кто еще какие песни будет играть! На гитаре играть не умею, спеть обещаю (если буду в голосе!)
Сорри, что по-русски!)))))
Siience profile picture SiienceSeptember 2012
Oh, what a nice meeting, as usual! And with gutar music!! I wish I could go, but I won't be in the city that day((((
I believe that day the weather will be good and I wish you all to have a really nice time on Arbat! hope to join you soon, thanks for proposal!