Traditional Meeting. Thursdays!

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
Reminder : new meeting tomorrow !
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
The meeting was success again!

I'm happy to trumpet that more than 30 polyglots had found the way to the new (rescue) spot yesterday!

The more detailed report is to appear soon...

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Mailing sent !

Total members in Moscow City = 1981
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
Aha! Waiting for report on  11.09.2008 meeting? Here it is!

Thanks everybody who came in spite of the rain

People expressed their opinion that there were

a lot of us yesterday.

Yesh! Really there were

35 participants in the list

(steady participants are written in bold,

so don't hesitate to ask them if you have

any questions about our meetings)

1. Alexander Mamich (Ru)

2. Karaseva Anna (Ru)

3. Moskvina Olesia (Ru)

4. Volodya Galakhtin (Ru)

5. Tista Nayak (India)

6. Maria Zolotova (Ru)

7. GUIGU (France)

8. Matyukhov Vadim (Ru)

9. Evseev Alex (Ru)

10. Timchenko Ruslan (Ru)

11. Melekhin Michail (Ru)

12. Kosko Max (Ru)

13. Trushova Maria (Ru)

14. Oscar Aliyev (Ru)

15. Aigul Zhubanova (Ru)

16. Sam Halterman (USA)

17. Olga Fomina (Ru)

18. Benson Um Beng Seng (Malaysia)

19. Kaff Merrild (Denmark)

20. Daniella Zak (Sweden)

21. Trushova Maria (Once again =)

22. Fabio Rocha (Brazil)

23. Alex Volkov (Ru)

24. Daria Skobleva (Ru)

25. Alberto Fornasier (Italia)

26. Eric Khoo Chee Khang (Malaysia)

27. Mike (Ru)

28. Maxime Cornu (France)

29. Stephane Terzano (France)

30. Taniz Liburkina (Ru)

31. Oksana Kulikova (Ru)

32. Natalia Korchmarek (Ru)

33. Tatan Liuba (RF)

34. Deric Atienza (Ph)

35. Maria Gorkovtsova (Ru)

Ain't it our new tiny record? -)

What langs did we speak:

Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese,

Chinese, Malay, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Martian...

Missed any?

Happy to announce I'm flying to France tomorrow,

I'll join the meeting on Sep, 25th.

The next one - on Sep, 18th is taking place just as usual -)

See you next Thursdays, guys!

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Yeah why not !
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
I mean - to distinguish the people in the list of participants.

To write their names in bold 
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
what do you mean "mark out" ? :-)
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008

just got it minutes ago - to mark out the most permanent Polyglot meetings participants

ain't it a good idea?