Portugal - Polyglot Netzwerk

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Willkommen zum Portugal Polyglot Netzwerk!


Madeira profile picture MadeiraJanuary 2024
Eu quero aprender português.
Hallo, hier ist Gregor. Wir sind im Februar 2023 nach Madeira umgezogen und möchten nun Portugiesisch lernen. Ein paar Worte kann ich schon, aber es reicht noch nicht für ein gutes Gespräch. Ich kann dir gerne Deutsch beibringen. Bitte meldet euch einfach. LG
christina_2 profile picture christina_2September 2016

My name is Christina, i read about you in this site and i decide to contact you for
friendship, please reply to my email address
(christina_2christina_2 profile picture) so that i can tell you
more about me, i believe we can make good friends, let distance not be a barrier but
lets love connect, because love is a bridge connect far
distance to be close
MargaMarga profile picture MargaMargaSeptember 2016
Hej, jag vill förbättra min svenska, jag kan lära portugisiska
catarinapg profile picture catarinapgAugust 2016
I want improve my English, I can teach Portuguese!
Rt072013 profile picture Rt072013September 2013
Hello everybody wants the meet in Lisboa
Tupiniquim profile picture TupiniquimDecember 2012
Olá! Gosto muito da cultura portuguesa e seria ótimo aprimorar meus conhecimentos sobre ela. Sou do Brasil
5erena profile picture 5erenaDecember 2012
Hello guys, I'm an Italian girl and so i can teach italian! I would like to improuve my english/french/portuguese. Who can help me? Thanks
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